my husband married another woman islam

Goes both ways really. Pathetic. this young man will treat you as nicely after marriage as he does now? This idea is put forward in the Quran where Allah says: Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend from their wealth. so dont Out of them, nadima was married for four years. I guess this is life and we should always say Alhamdulliah. Very sad to hear this sister. If youre loyal to your husband, than rest assured hell be loyal to you. Perhaps hes not the best Muslim in the world.You can nudge him to make him better. May Allah forgive you, Salam, Thanks for advice. But there is Quranic verse. The coworker response, he never told you? my response,tell me what?the coworker replies, he has been married for two yrs and has a child. I confronted him and he lied about having a wife and child. Bravo.Mashallah.this is the thoughts of a regular muslim guy. They are in denial. I agree with not being forced and surely your husband has compassion for you when you are ill or tired from work (inside and outside the home) and perhaps with dealing with children all day long but It is also important to note that expecting your husband to just control his desires is wrong. Marriage Dream Explanation Seeing a woman taking a second husband can have three interpretations: (1) If she is pregnant, she will give birth to a girl. But we really would prefer to remember because we know it would make you happy. Shouldnt man and wife be friends, ask for eacothers opinion as Our Prophet(pbuh)did? The point which most of the people ignorr is that sahaba and prophet Muhammad saw gone for multiple marriage after the age of 50. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. Unwanted sex! Remember that Allaah allowed it and the Prophet (the best creation of all) peace be upon him, practiced it. It is extremely damaging for your children, especially your boys if you have any, they will end up taking up their fathers abusive example if you do not save them from this environment. Yes it says in the quran that men can have four wives, but it is for a reason, and the quran is written in such a way that you can argue Kays point. But women should not let jealousy make them object to that which Allah has permitted, and they should not try to prevent it; a wife should allow her husband to marry another woman for this is a kind of cooperating in righteousness and piety. sorry but it aint your decision if he goes to hell or not, in fact if allowing him to marry keeps your marriage together, then abundant hassanat will fall on you, in fact more to you than to your husband. So the Prophet was married to one woman Sayyidah Khadijah until he was 54 and had 9 wives after that." (Professor Wahbah az-Zuhayli, VII, 169, 170) There are a lot of special reasons: 1. I call that rape. It doesnt mean hes going to cheat on you. Someone said that the reward for this kind of woman was more than the reward for a mumin leaving for jihad. Who wants to sleep with a man who makes you second to his mother and family, who lets himself go, puts financial burden on you, and what about men who hold hypocritical double standards thats totally unattractive too. Why is that what mean want and/or need is some kind of standard and women should just be satisfied with whatever emotional crumbs her husband tosses? The Truth is, one who does an atoms weight of evil,will see it. The most important aspect of a lasting good islamic marriage is respect. There is just not one reason why Man is allowed to have more than 1 wife in Islam. If he spends the night angry with her that means if you can convince him then he will not be angry and no angels curse you. Ive read this article & I feel this article is like imposing things on women. Or is wrong, Sister, can you please rephrase your question so we can give you the correct answer? . If you make a second marriage, then you will have another family relationship. Finally, it may indicate that you are committed to the relationship between your husband and his sister-in-law. I felt I could cope with not having someone around all the time," she tells me. Wow i guess its informative as well as helpfull ..JazakAllah. Views : I only protected what was mine. 6 mos later he asked me to marry him. You have the right to your happiness and to be treated with respect. Salam guys i am in depressed for My husband he is not love me true also come with me just for sex then he leaves me he is the daily routine of his now i am 4 months pragnant of his baby he is not a truly loves me he is just using me every night i am very tierd his behaviour now i just want to leave him but i can not do this because all the problems will facing me and My baby i am just 17 years old and My husband is 31 years old and the time of My marriage life is just 7 months My husband is saying me i want a baby now i am pragnant he dose not care me love me he is only come with me when he wants sex with me otherwise he is dose not guys help me give me a advise how can i handle My husband how can i get a good happy married life what can i dooooo guys.??? You have the free choice to decide. that I have to be pleased emotionally and sexually and if not, there are other men just like for them other women. Thank God I have my career and my own income so Im not walked on by my muslim husband. If I have just remarried another wonderful man. Jazakalla hu khairan. Allaah has caused men to be attracted to women, and women to be attracted to men, and this inclination sometimes results in haraam relationships such as zina, and sometimes it results in permissible relationships such as marriage. Why have muslim men been given a license to hurt their wives at any point in their married life by polygamy? I have to stay with my parents. But if they want it to be real, they need to think about what the wife REALLY wants and needs, instead of whats easier for them. And trust me, if your husband must choose between divorcing you before he takes a second wife. Just because man is ALLOWED to take a second wife, doesnt mean he should. I love my husband so deeply and wholeheartedly that i can never even imagine myself being attracted to another man. I found this to be quite patronising and if Im not mistaken it was written by a male? Because deep down, we really just want to make you happy. But its true (usually). Urgh..How transparent..what a way to twist things to advocate ones own desires.. Expected for men who make a second marriage. I disagree with #4. Fee amanillah. There have been cases where girls went away from their family, are alone away in a foreign country and facing difficult circumstances with no way out. I cant tell you that the same might apply to the husband if he refuses, but its his duty in Islam to satisfy his wife in intercourse and he cant just go to sleep without fulfilling that. Does he These women truly are the best among us, because it is such a hard and difficult thing to do. 5 minutes 6 seconds Dream about husband with another woman can occur when women feel insecure, ignored, or reluctant about a particular relationship. Their right to you is (obtaining) sustenance and clothing in a sensible way. I really enjoyed it and may Allah bless the author,amin. Bukhari and Muslim. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one. MY FELLOW MUSLIMAHLETS GET CLOSE TO ALLAHSO WE CAN GET OUR HUSBANDS TO BE CLOSE TO US..INSHA ALLAH.. Im in agreement with the comments however one thing i feel is never addressed is what if the husband does not fulfill his basic duties as a husband/father? Some of the way we likes and some of we dont. Giving no respect to our opinions, making important decidions without shura, making us shoulder financial responsibilities All these kinds of things make us feel switched off sexually towards you. family, and praying istikhaarah about hurting her children, and praying i love him more than anything else. But before we can really comment about marriage, marry one first, then youll know what is unknown to you before tying the knot. One can imagine what would have been the percentage of polygamous marriages among the Hindus if the Indian government had made it legal for them. how can we question ALLAHER command. The purpose behind marriage was to provide shelter and financial support to widows and victims. It was unacceptable. Have taqwa women! Your email address will not be published. He is aware of why she is unhappy and of what she wants, but he just states that its halal and she should accept it. Why is it always about how men are and how we shld respect them , when they never respect us they take Us women for granted . I thought I wanted to convert but to see this is how men really think? Hmmm! whispers is to ask yourself the following questions and answer them good points you wrote, but in reality, you havent married. He marry me just because he loves me but I only had one think in my heart for him hatred. i`m married for the second time. of reaching you or your family or children. Dream about husband with another woman in general When you had a dream about your husband with another woman, it could be a reflection of your subconscious mind. Im tired of hearing these excuses that men make for themselves. In fact, his step mother forced her husband into second marriage to have children). Where are the unending advices to men about the dangers of treating their wives like property, second class citizens or servants? you, why is he striving to wreck your home and destroy your family? He is ignoring me. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Allah created men and women to be each others companions not competitors. And why would I when I love my wife. Assalam o alikum relationships such as zina, and sometimes it results in permissible I completely agree. that is part of a mans nature, whether he is Muslim or not. Extracting your time from office hours and taking her on a long drive would surly affect her too. If you are living off her money. Please you deserve care, love, honour and respect. My 3 children and I crowded the house and my sister in law soon became annoyed by our presence. Another point is that actually polygamy can lift the burden of responsibility the woman have towards their husbands and gives her more freedom. Married more than one For men who want to carry out a second marriage, then this is permissible in Islam. 3. Dear questioner! The article asks women to respect their husbands but the final point says if he doesnt say I love you its alright, he still loves you. O Allah, this is my division in the case that I am capable of, so do not You reproach me in the case that You are capable, whereas I can not. its really really nicely you explained thanks for the post may ALLAH give you the reward. JazakAllah to the author, thank you!!!! There are many women in here that have gone out of the fold of islam due to their own personal opinions contrary to what Allah swt has decreed. It doesnt mean hes fantasizing about another woman. Can he stay stay home with our children and have my dinners ready? 2) If your sex was all that great, she wilo do the same for her. Now days our men cant pick up anything more dangerous than a smartphone or playstation if he had to protect his family. Polygamy can be of two types. I am happy I have a good understanding of Islam that I worship Allah. Average life span of females is more than that of males By nature males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. So if anyone is seriously thinking about polygamy they better be up for the job. I would like to adress the author regarding 4th point. Even ALLAH Dont force for Pray. i dream of being able to respect my husband but i must admit over the years i feel that respect i had for him is declining Ive stayed loyal despite our circumstances. Get to know the conditions required for it to be healthy and practiced properly. You can decide to divorce him. Wish we could all just treat each other with respect and be honest/sincere with each other, instead of playing games and lying. Sex in men is projected outside, and in women its hidden deep within. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account God would not be ok with this garbage. The future marriage will be a happy one. Allaah says As his wife, you also need to contemplate if this is something you are willing to tolerate, adjust to, and understand. He wasn't by my side, not even one bit. So when you give him the following excuses: Know that your husband is going to go to sleep a little upset with you, even if he doesnt show it.And do this often enough, hes going to start resenting you. I could be a second wife because those feelings of not being enough would not arise. He Wants To Have Sex More Often. May Allah grant us all taqwa and love and understanding of His deen. I just want to know how a potential husband would react to this and would he be angry or frustrated and would this be a bad start to a marriage? Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-aythmeen said, A man if he can afford his wealth, his body and his law (just), then it is more (for him) to marry (two) to four (women) if he can because he is energetic, (so) he can fulfill the privileges of his wives (worthy) to his wives And he can marry (with more than one woman) The more women (the married) it is even more important.(Atsar that the authentic narration of Imam al-Bukhari (no. Yes, your husband has to take permission from you to marry another woman. I am in 2 minds about the multiple wives issue. Does the husband need the first wifes permission to have a second wife? subhanallah! honestly: 1.If this young man is righteous, Try to sort out the small things of your day by yourself, like your husband takes care of the major problems of the day himself, without even letting you know because he doesnt want to bother you. Because men are programmed to think about other women and women should be calm and prepare a sandwich for those who preach like this. Salaam to all Muslim brothers and sisters who are reading this article and its forum. You have brought to my attention the faults I bring into my marriage, which (after reading this) Ive decided to work on! Now that I am on the receiving end, I realized how wrong I was in denying another woman this PRIVILEGE of a husband. Anxiety is the devils weapon. where it is not clear if the matter is good or bad, and the Muslim does not After all my warnings and threats of leaving he abandoned the idea. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Do not cherry pick what suits you, this is exactly the problem we Muslims are facing, cherry picking what suits us rather than taking Deen as a complete way of life. Sighhhh. A woman who cannot conceive a child doesnt have to be frigid. You need to put it in your marriage contract that you want a second wife. if you study Islam truthfully you will know u need to ask first. Life was very difficult for me and my children and I wasnt young anymore. I liked him and I liked everything about him. I just wanted to mention that its natural for men to think of other women just like its natural for women to think of other men. He Loves You, Even If He Doesnt Always Show It I may not have it word for word though. this waa not my decision but it was the doctor who told me to do an abortion as my baby skul did not formed and he would died as soon as he take birth.truly I did not want to do abortion but it was hubby who convinced me to do that.after abortion I had to do curettage.n truly I was appreciated when hubby took great care of me on the hospital. 2. So, women validate and massage your husbands ego but its alright if you feel neglected. wife). Great Britain has four million more females as compared to males. During paediatric age however, in childhood itself a female child has more immunity than a male child. im a young muslimah and reading most of your posts has upsetted me you all in eachothers hair you can give advice yes but if you do it with attitude even if you right allah will not reward you for the advice you have given im not one to judge for Allah is the judge of all human and by reading all these posts it has scared me for the way you guys dont respect the law of islam and how selfish some woman is may allah put it in your hearts to accept whatever difficulties lies ahead for you and bear in mind allah will never put i through something we wont be able to handle for allah is mercifull and you sould accept and respect all trails that comes your way repend to allah and allah will help you accept this matter unshallahin the name of allah may we help eachother other then going off at one onother remember no one is perfect but we can always try and help the next person inshallah.. il make duah for all wives that feels this way about this law il make duah for allah to grant you the guidance to soften your hearts to grant you wisdom and to give you the ghidiah to repend inshallah ameen may allah increase our knowledge and forgive us our sins ameen. 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