My wife is a retired small animal vet. Baby rabbits should not be kept in cold weather. I wish id kept her home that journey to a uncaring vets did her in from what i can see on here i definetly think she was in shock. If your rabbit has cataracts, it is vital to treat them as soon as possible. I dont know how to say to my sister is was most likely Fly Strike. I woke up this morning to find my Bam Bam dead in his cage. ( As he still alive) shaking, not moving, heart racing. The asymptomatic rabbit can infect other rabbits without owners and handlers knowing that they carry e. cuniculi. Anxiety related heart attacks, inability to live outdoors, pre-existing conditions are some of the main reasons. Finally, consider your own suspects. The rabbit's eyes will have a glossed-over look. Rabbits can die of fright due to predators, unfamiliar sounds, and loud noises. This article is AWFUL! Its often accompanied by diarrhea so that the body will be out of water in just two to three days. On a warm evening last summer, I found my beloved pet rabbit dead in his enclosure. Rabbits are pretty curious animals. This condition is typically a symptom of a bacterial infection in the eye, but it can also be a sign of an underlying systemic problem. Finally, it is also possible that the rabbit simply died of old age. Large dogs can easily induce shock and heart attacks. (Nutrition, Benefits, & Feeding Tips), Sumatran Striped Rabbit: Appearance, Lifespan, Temperament, Care Sheet, Silver Marten Rabbit: Appearance, Lifespan, Temperament, Care Sheet, 10 Reasons Why Rabbits are Bleeding from the Bottom, Why Is My Rabbit Breathing Fast? Putting dangerous chemicals in rabbits safe places is a great idea to steer them from being poisoned. They can't stay at a single place for a very long time. Only 3 weeks with us. And they have just a big a chance of dying during the surgery as the males do, Our baby bunny just died, he has one eye open and one closed and is cold. I have watched our cameras over and over again and saw her freak out for a second and then she laid in her bed and never got back up. If your rabbit is urinating excessively, has stopped eating, or appears very ill, then it is time to take him to the vet. This morning, with the machine running, I placed my hand where the bunny's head was lying, and realized this was within the breeze created by the oxygen concentrator. If you can't find any other explanation for why your bunny is dying and investigations show that they're healthy otherwise, it might be worth considering checking their temperature and keeping them warmer if necessary. A few weeks prior we noticed he stained wherever he sat and thought he was unable to clean himself properly and we got rid of some access fur around his rear end. I buried her the next morning. GI stasis is usually fatal as by the time you notice the rabbit is in distress it's too late. If left untreated, rabbits with cataracts can progress to glaucoma, which is a more serious eye disorder. Myiasis, or deadly fly-strike Injured during improper handling by children Fear-related heart attack Injured by another pet Aborted pregnancy Poisoning Swallowed a sharp object Bunny was older than you thought In the end, we made the decision to euthanize her. A similar story to whats happened to our baby. But some key indications that a rabbit may be near death include: During those weeks, she loved the milk no problem. It is EXTREMELY contagious to wild and domestic rabbits and is currently sweeping is spots in the US!! It broke my heart and I was so upset I told my friends and they helped me through it. Didn't show us any sign before he died tho. on October 02, 2019: i just got my bunny 3 days ago she was fine and active. I miss my baby. My baby died today Im so hurt In the morning we checked on her and she still, like lying on her side and stomach, refusing to eat and unable to move. I think i stressed him much, my poor baby, my little baby. The Holland Lop and Netherland Lop have the longest life span, with most living past ten and even into their early teens. The stress of moving to a new home might cause a very old rabbit to die sooner rather than later. A week ago, I had five bunnies. He was a bit over 2 years old but I still love him. Normal air is about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen. Now I have 3. When a baby rabbit is dying, it may be sleepy or unresponsive. He was absolutely fine the night before. No new food, she gets cleaned out regular, we have other pets but they cant touch her, I dont think she had a fright. My bunny had free run of the house, but would not venture out of site of his cage, therefore he always stayed in the same room. Therefore, it is important to talk with your vet about medication options for your rabbit. In the USA, almost fifty to seventy percent of the rabbit population are a carrier of the e. cuniculi. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. The flystrike will stick to the skin and lay eggs on the rabbit. Euthanasia is a personal decision that can be difficult for you and your pet, so do your research to choose the right option for your pet. Death with the eyes open is familiar with animals. If left untreated, it can cause premature death by malnutrition or dehydration. Ferrets are hunters, and cats are wild animals that can hunt, frighten, or severely injure a pet bunny. (Nutrition, Benefits, & Feeding Tips). The vet thought it could have been s virus The breeder gave us a second rabbit. They will sniff and forage from their surroundings. A rabbit with deadly fly strike gets a dirty bottom and has a foul smell. A part of me has died with him. Changed his litter box last night and he was just fine. Rex was perfectly fine at 300 AM. I found him dead lying on his side in his litter box with open eyes this evening when I came back from work. For example, rhubarb leaves have oxalic acid that can cause kidney failure. We have had this bunny for probably about 8 months. It will then gently slip away. He had been fine right before I put him to bed played with his cat friends, ate, drank, and pooped as usual. Alertness is essential for rabbits in the wild. This would have helped to prevent your rabbit from being injured or getting into any dangerous situations. A veterinarian can also diagnose a rabbit with cataracts and recommend appropriate treatment. If your rabbit has reached the end of its life and is experiencing an inability to move, euthanasia may be a good choice for you. Its going to be hard. From what I have been able to find out, there is no known cause. However, some sudden causes of death may attribute to the state of the rabbit. There are no specific treatments veterinarians can do to help the rabbit. The warm climate and summertime are also prominent reasons. Necropsy said he had liver torsion and the heat in my area made it worse. Even for just 2 rabbits, a case where a rabbit died stretched out with eyes open would be rather different from another one where my rabbit screamed then died . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rabbits are susceptible to temperature changes, so water is a crucial component to ensure that rabbits will now suffer from heatstroke. Changes In Vital Signs 4. After a few nights, the bunny became used to it and it no longer seemed to bother him. I was told she died trying to give birth, as she was too young. Each one of the three who passed did so unexpectedly and at night while I was asleep. This can also apply to colder temperatures. If your rabbit dies and you suspect poison, be sure to remove the body and sterilize the area. If the rabbit was in pain, it might have died with its eyes open in an effort to see what was causing the pain. The eggs hatch quickly and can literally eat a rabbit inside and out. It is hard to tell a rabbit's history. Dehydration is pretty common with rabbits. I dont know what caused this but he didnt show any symptoms be for this. This cause of death is especially vital for kits or baby rabbits. We would recommend that you take the body to your local rabbit-savvy vet for a necropsy to get some closure. Symptoms were bulging eyes, and x-ray showed enlarged heart. If a rabbit's eyes are open after death, it is likely due to muscle rigidity and not because the rabbit is still alive. The vets should be available 24/7 and made a lot cheaper as animals should also have emergency access to healthcare. If living with young children, a rabbit can easily be injured, perhaps fatally so, after being mishandled by a child. My rabbit named Luniio Died from being hanged out of a window. Loud sounds can scare a rabbit to the point of causing a heart attack. We had the make the most traumatizing call and put her down because she was suffering. We rushed her to the vet as soon as we saw her and the vet said she most likely had encephalitozoonosis. He smelled like he had died weeks ago but he was healthy earlier that day. We placed that machine in the same room as the bunny, running it at night. Insufficient milk can be caused by many reasons, such as lack of nutrition and bad health of the mother. However, it can become detrimental when they are domesticated. An indoor rabbit with a companion. In many cases, a rabbit may scream when it smells or hears a predator. I like to think that we did everything we could to prolong her life and make her comfortable, and that her death was ultimately inevitable. Now she cant. Although rabbits are mostly quiet, they can shriek and scream when frightened. It was at 7am so not all was open. Baby rabbits can die for several causes. When a rabbit dies, the muscles in its body can sometimes remain rigid for a period of time. Or lading on his side. she was not even 3 years old, Took my bunny to the vets for op on teeth brought her home by 1.30 in the morning I rushed her back to vets they put her on a drip by 3.30 she lost her fight. My beautiful dwarf lion head died today suddenly. Unless you are sure the rabbit is young, think twice about buying or adopting. A final thought.., ANYTIME a rabbit dies and there is bleeding from the nose and/or mouth they need to be necropsied for RHDV!! If your rabbit passed away suddenly and without any obvious signs of illness or injury, it's unlikely that it was in pain at the time. Gin very ill and lost without his longtime companion. GI stasis is a condition in which the stomach is blocked and the rabbits digestive system cannot empty. My little angel died 2 days ago. Treatment options for GI stasis are dependent upon the severity of the obstruction. If your rabbits "hangs back" with little movement and you can hear it grinding it's teeth, something is seriously wrong! Gardening products including pesticides can be fatal to a domestic rabbit. Females need to be spade for two reasons. This could occur due to a foreign material, dehydration, or anxiety. Lord Kenneth Montgomery-Moore on March 10, 2019: Yesterday my 2 rabbits enjoyed their time in the garden. It may be helpful to speak with an animal care specialist or veterinarian to get more information about the dying process and what may be best for your rabbit. Faders are weanlings that just don't seem to thrive. Sadly, some rabbits that appear perfectly healthy die for no apparent reason. Female rabbits are generally at a 60 percent increased risk of uterine cancers if left unspayed. Hi i need to understand why our bunny died she just gave birth to six little babies and hade like a fit and looked like she passed away we pussed on her chest and she took two more breaths then it whas her last we called the vet they told us we should leave the babies to drink from her til she starts to get cold then take them away. Mine just passed today. There is a possibility he will follow shortly due to a broken heart which is found in many animals. At first, I thought he had simply passed away in his sleep. If a child does not handle the rabbit properly, the rabbit may jump about so the child can't hold them or lets go. I went to pet her and she didnt seem to react much, so I started to worry. A scenario where the rabbits are dying suddenly would be very different from another one where the rabbits keep dying in a gradual manner. It mustve been a virus. He was just gone. then i set her down and she just layed. While it is possible that your rabbit simply passed away due to old age or illness, there is also the possibility that something more sinister was at play. This can be a disturbing sight, but it is important to remember that a dead rabbit is not actually staring back at you. But the reception woman palmed us by the time we sat back in car she started fitting or i reckon a heart attack. However, feeding them with a small number of rhubarb leaves can cause no harm to the rabbits. Behavioral Changes Frequently Asked Questions Breathing difficulty is a sign that your rabbit's life is in danger and should be taken to a vet immediately. If you feel that your rabbit is dying, it is important to take a step back and consider your options. If you have any reason to believe that someone may have wanted to harm your rabbit, it is important to contact the police and share your suspicions. Also by his litter box. The best way to prevent this fatal condition is to regularly check your rabbit's bottom and keep it clean. I just hold him to keep him so i can wash him. The vets we took her palmed us even though i went back in with her and begged for us to wait to be seen. She was fine last night after i gave her dinner, and then morning she was bleeding from her bottom and laying flat on the floor. Primarily, because their eyes will still transmit light even when they are approached by a predator. If your bunny exhibits any of these conditions, it is important to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Our 6 month old baby girl Holland lop "Lucky" died shortly after being spayed. He was never caged and had free roam of the house and garden for 8 years. Your veterinarian can run various tests to make a proper diagnosis, and he will also be able to recommend treatment options. Several factors can lead to the sudden death of a baby rabbit. We have decided that we don't want the risk of any cats etc. He wasnt very bright for the first 6 months but I refused to believe his intelligence was lower than a bug. Surgical treatment is available for rabbits with moderate or severe cases. Heart disease is also a viable cause of premature death as they are not detected most of the time. She lived a good life. This can damage the animal's eyelids and cause them to become stuck in the open position. There are a few different things that could potentially be causing your baby rabbit to die in the winter, such as being kept too cold, not getting enough food or water, or having an underlying illness. 384 views 420 days ago. Telling me that something really bad happened and to not stress. For relief of swelling behind his eyes, the vet prescribed subcutaneous injections of Salix (furosemide, same as Lasix) to help expel the excess fluid through urination. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know why a rabbit would suddenly die from a general description. This method is also suitable for rabbits that have developed advanced age and are unable to live life to its fullest. It was heart breaking. Miss him like crazy. However, this does not always happen. If you're still unsure whether or not your rabbit was in pain when it died, talk to your veterinarian. At 2pm she died in my arms. Learn More: How to keep cats from opening doors? I thought he s dead but he was still breathing. A normal miscarriage can be absorbed harmlessly, but if the pregnancy is further along when the miscarriage happens, the mother rabbit may die. Prayers u also. Throughout the day, my dad checked on Chocolate, each time she was eating food or drinking water or bouncing around the hutch. Diarrhea and itchy skin are not only found in myiasis cases. I know having the right milk is important to keep them alive, but I dont think that was the cause of her death. But my sister opened the area where the rabbits slept (which is also where my sister had put Misty the night before) and there Misty was, laying on his side in dead fashion, barely breathing. I dont know what caused her death but Ive been heartbroken. See some more details on the topic my rabbit died with eyes open here: Rabbit Died Suddenly With Eyes Open! We bought a partial bag of rabbit food online from someone whose rabbit had died. The noise of the machine would make it hard for the bunny to hear other things, and we would always speak before entering the room, so the bunny would not be surprised by our approach. I have researched and researched and the only thing that points to that was her being limp. He was Lifeless. It's dangerous for a rabbit's body temperature to remain this low and is a clear sign that they are beginning to go into shock. Our Holland Lop was perfectly healthy one second ran around fell over and died the next. Your pet may still be able to defecate and keep their eyes open. Home is so empty so cold without my little angel. My checkered giant bunnie, 1 1/2 year old passed away on christmas, she was totally fine in the morning, spent bonding time the night before with a few treats and checked her later afternoon she was stretched out in her liter box still a bit warm. Our home definitely isnt a home anymore but more than anything we just want answers. I let them out in the summer, with no problems for them, they were so happy to stay in a more natural environment and they lived for many years. Some rabbits show no symptoms until they suddenly die from internal bleeding, producing a blood-stained nose as a result. They are indoor animals and must be kept indoors. My two beautiful young rabbits just died of suspected RHDV, both within a few hours of appearing unwell. We did give him carrots, lettuce and bread as I read that maybe wasnt good. It hurts. All vaccinations and treatments given i.e fly strike. My rabbit was completely fine the night before she died. Lion Head was breathing and suddenly is slightly breathing or slightly moving she want drink anything hurry what should I do no vet available, my baby rabbit was only 1 month old he was good and fine at that morning and afternoon he became unhealthy and unhappy !! My sister brought him into the house crying, holding him in her arms, saying Mistys dead! No one can say for certain whether or not your rabbit died of natural causes. Just eating some rabbit food! I went out to her cage and she was lying on her side and couldnt move half her body, she then had a seizure. When the digestive process is slow, the food particles get stuck much longer. And remember, pellets are not a natural food for rabbits, just hay and a little veg. If you have another rabbit and that one seems fine, take them to the vet just in case. My 4 year old dutch rabbit died suddenly yesterday morning. I like to think that whoever did this simply didn't understand how much joy my rabbit brought into my life, and how much pain their actions would cause me. However, if your rabbit was sick or injured prior to its death, there's a greater possibility that it was in pain. Our Tutu Rabbit died a month back due to cold. This would have helped to ensure that your rabbit was healthy and would not have contracted any diseases. (Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus. Date Published: 7/20/2021. my rabbit was very healthy a few hours ago and then the next hour I saw her she passed mom said she fed her biscuits and I know it is not good , but the previous time my mom fed her biscuits she was totally might be over dose of artificial chemicals or some other reason.but the way my rabbit die out of blue was very sad.i feel sorry for dose who had similar situations as well. Rabbits have an extra eyelid behind their second and first lids called the nictating membrane. One thing you could have done is take your rabbit to the vet for regular checkups and vaccinations. They are generally fatal as a rabbit savvy vet is usually too far away to help. Sharp Objects Swallowing 4. Treatment can include antibiotic eye drops or ointments. That night I couldnt get to sleep. It doesn't mean he died in pain. If there is any evidence of trauma - such as blood or bruises - this could be an indication that your rabbit was the victim of an attack. Why does my dog open and close his mouth? A veterinarian can also perform a procedure called enucleation or ablation to stop the production of fluid in the eye. Ensure that the baby rabbits have the right amount of milk from their mother. My personal experience with this is I administered horse electrolytes and Bene-bac or some other probiotic. They eat fine but just don't thrive and soon stop eating altogether and die. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. Learn More: Why does my dog open and close his mouth? my bunny died yesterday I found her swollen no animal bites no bleeding I really don't know what happened, My baby bunny just died all of a sudden and it really pisses me off it was just fine one moment then the next its dead and like what the hell happend i been crying all day, You forgot to mention pine or cedar bedding can make your rabbit sick or kill it. If you have children or other pets that could scare your rabbit, this may be well the cause of their vocalizations. They may also become listless, sleepy, and have a reduced ability to move around. However, sudden heart attacks can happen naturally. We miss him so much. Running in to any thing. Immobility 3. Knowing her behavior, she gets very excited when I bring her food. Loss of appetite to eat and drink are the most common symptom of a viral or parasitic infection of rabbits. If you notice that your rabbit has cloudy eye, contact your veterinarian immediately. ago. This is one of the most common reasons for sudden deaths in rabbits. After that took a few last breaths and died with his eyes open. I literally just found my rabbit dead outside. Slowly introduce them to one another. Neither of these methods does much for GI stasis. When you choose to have your pet cremated, you will need to make arrangements with a cremation service. Keep an eye on how often your rabbit urinates and defecates, and what the waste looks like afterwards. Cloudy eye in rabbits can cause a variety of symptoms, including irritation, dryness, and pain. Not a very good way to complete the day, i am dumbfounded. You can choose to have your rabbit put to sleep at the hospital or in your home. I found my rabbit dead this morning. although rabbit milk supplement is not that accessible, kitten milk replacer is a good start. I'm grieving badly and in total shock. The fatal thing about e. cuniculi is that most infections are undetectable until too late. :( So tragic, and heartbreaking! Air is drawn into an oxygen concentrator machine where the nitrogen is stripped away, leaving almost pure oxygen to be sent down the hose. Rabbit recovered in just a day! Not always the the case in all. She would lick my hand as I was holding her head up so she could drink water While we were trying to reach her vet. I named him Grace, because God Gave us grace to keep him longer in our home. Im so upset, I dont know what happened, I did everything like normal. I went with him fast to vet but he didnt know what can be so he made him 3 injections to try to make him better. Reasons Rabbit Died Stretched Out. Shortly after that, my mom went to check on her because I was dreading it, and she had passed away. Rabbits stop growing at 1824 months of age, but read up on the breed of rabbit you are looking at so you know the typical sizes for babies and adults of that type. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. I take comfort in knowing that she is no longer in pain and that she is at peace. Rabbits have a third eyelid and this means that they do not need to blink very often. If your rabbit was healthy and showed no signs of illness, it is unlikely that natural causes are to blame. It is impossible to know for certain what caused your rabbit's death, but there are some things you could have done to prevent it. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. The bunny likely had diminished lung capacity due to his heart problem. On friday my loppy eared rabbit Rufus was fine i let him out that morning to run the yard as normal, he followed me everywhere like he usually does, followed me to the clothesline like normal, then i noticed him digging to get up under the gate near the shed and in the dirt i kept getting him out of it but he was determined to get in there and when he did he was rolling around on his back and side in the dirt, then he came back out and was normal, then i put him to bed at night time and he was fine and i got up to go to work the next morning he was sitting in his cage still alive but wasnt normal as i opened the door to let him out and he wouldnt come out, and he didnt touch any of his food the night before which i found very odd, and literally within 2hrs of me being at work my partner rings me up to say Rufus is dead, so i dont know how it happened and i am utterly upset about it, i still cant go outside without crying.. Rex was a run away when we found him in our front yard. Suddenly her head tilted kind of to the back and was stiff in place then from thereher limbs stretched out and she diedin my hands. It's hard to say if my rabbit's death was preventable. Rabbits also have a third eyelid that is translucent and will close during sleep. In most cases, euthanasia is carried out through an injection into the rabbits main vein. Treatment can also include using an eyewash to prevent infection. - Rabbits United Forum; 10 10.10 Reasons Bunnies Die: Causes . Lost 2 this way. Then he would go forward. I think he was about 7 years old . After he passed I held him all night. I hold him and he tried to escape many times. I know White nose will be missed by Mary, me, Buddy, Barbara, fluffy,hamlin, Ethiopia, Brandy lollypop. My bunny was with me all morning, perfectly fine. Rabbits can scream when they are in pain or when they are about to die. She was dead. (Solved!) He's been with us for 8 years. Theres no set answer to this question as it can vary depending on the individual rabbit. But, the last time, my dad said she looked ILL. My mum took her to the vet and she was barely alive. While this may be an extreme case, if it is treated early, you can save your pets vision and prevent the eye problem from worsening. It wasnt first time, he didnt like so much but i didnt mean to harm him. When a rabbit dies with eyes open, it can mean a couple different things. I cannot believe this article doesn't mention Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, aka RHDV, which was released in 1996 to control wild rabbit populations and has been wiping out domestic rabbits worldwide. Learn More: How to keep birds out of an open barn? A few hours later, I went to check on her and she was in the corner of her cage next to her litter and she seemed really sleepy. He died right in my arms. - Rabbits United Forum - Rabbit Rehome, Common Causes of Sudden Death in Healthy Rabbits - PetHelpful, 21 Heartbreaking Signs That Your Rabbit Is Dying + 5 Tips. Which the stomach is blocked and the heat in my area made it worse me through.... Our Tutu rabbit died suddenly Yesterday morning, with most living past ten and into. 8 years she most likely had encephalitozoonosis back at you ( as he still alive shaking. Smelled like he had died weeks ago but he was healthy and would not contracted! For the next time i comment, some rabbits that have developed advanced age and are to! Impossible to know why a rabbit with deadly Fly Strike and showed no signs of illness, it be! Or dehydration tried to escape many times induce shock and heart attacks for regular checkups and vaccinations be. Broken heart which is found in many cases, a rabbit savvy is. Available 24/7 and made a lot cheaper as animals should also have emergency access to healthcare most cases a! 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