[Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. Sadness washed over Lincoln yet again when the thought of Lily forgetting that he ever existed reared its ugly head. The "FIVE MINUTES LATER" time card is similar to the one from ". - Leni stopped - What did you just say? LENI: You fell down the stairs, little brother. Interestingly, both episodes were written by the same writer. LYNN: (infuriated) I'M NOT RECKLESS! (Suddenly, all the sisters appear in front of him, looking angry). LENI: You got knocked out by a baseball, Linky. The Joker knew these words well but what happens when Joker sees' an old face? LORI: Duh. He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at What if Lincoln can feel the force? then Lana place Lincoln head on Leni lap and she run to get Lincoln a glass of water), LANA: Are you okay? Realizing who the figure was before him, Lincoln musters up one word before he went to sleep. Lincoln asks despairingly. LOLA: But, I want a butler! - Lincoln said, (Lincoln hop from his chair and walk to the living room, Lynn suddenly kick Lincoln, sending him flying and hit the wall), (Leni, Luan, and Lana rushes to him, Lincoln is knocked out). "Unbelievable," growls Lori "Our brother doesn't have too much time left, and you don't bother to bury the hatchet with him?" Note: I own nothing and Lincoln joins a secret branch of the US army after an event that happened the night he was kicked out. "I know that we hardly ever saw eye to eye, but you were there for me when I needed you, you were there to comfort me. "And Lana, promise me that you'll be the best engineer in the world." While infuriated, the sisters understood her plight, and they skip over her. When they got to Lynn, however, she was standing by the door with her back turned. This is the first episode to be made in 2017 according to the credits. Bobby and Margo have no lines in this episode. Lincoln: (to the viewer, with a broken voice) I know I've said before that my sisters making fun of me wasn't bothering, but this was the final straw! Lincoln quiets her down with a hug. Lincoln spends his days playing video games, reading comics, and drinking milk straight out of the jug. When lisa invents and activates a nuclear fusion bomb, it unleashed a devastating explosion throughout the entire world. I didn't work on this story by myself I got help fro Lincoln is drawn to the digital world and finds a new friend. Has a tvtropes page! When Lincoln is taken in by her, she swears to punish the Louds for what theyve done. - Lincoln said as he drink his water, (Lola has seen everything and laughs at Lincoln, which makes Lana and Leni angrily glare at her), LANA: Why are you still laughing?! Suddenly, he heard sirens coming from close by. what else will they find out about the sole Loud Son? Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and never gets a day to himself. Without hesitation, Lincoln took the photo and threw it to the floor in rage, causing it to break. Follow Lincoln as he unleashes the Log on virtually every girl. A few months ago, Lincoln had discovered that Lucy secretly read girly books, and he took the blame for her despite knowing that he would be punished. - Leni said, (Lori, Lynn, and Luan all fight; Unbeknownst to them, Leni grabs Lincoln and they escape to the living room, Leni pulls up her scrapbook). She is named after one of Savino's five sisters. They were named after the minister Sylvester Graham, who invented the recipe in 1829. The doctor checks Lincoln for any vital signs before shaking his head. Lincoln Loud now must battle the greatest enemy of all. Thanks guys now let's start looking for houses. What are you doing up so late? Lincoln gives her a peck on the forehead and walks out of the twins' room.]. Tears slowly rolled down Lynn's face. His sisters nearly fought each other for the position, but they decided that the best way to do this is to go by oldest to youngest. During the events of NSL, Lincoln runs away to New York where he saves Tony Stark from a near death experience and become the next Iron Man. LYNN: WHAT?! - Lincoln kindly accepted. After the third blow, Lincoln loses his entire memory. LORI: No, we're taking him to a hospital. - Lola ask, (She pour some into Lincoln's cup and he drinks it, Leni walk in, while holding Lily). THERE IS SEX, a lot of SEX! - Leni said, LANA: A shelf fell on your head. (She angrily slammed her fist on her desk, making Lincoln stumble backwards and fall through Lori and Leni's closet, a coat rack hits Lincoln on his head, knocking him out; In the living room, Lincoln is on the couch, he regain consciousness, as the others look on worried). But that still doesn't explain why they're called crackers. - Leni finishes angrily, LYNN: Pish posh, he can walk it off. But lately she's been sad. - Leni ask worried, LYNN: (from outside) Aright, Lincoln, your next to hit the ball! It only took that one expression to make the family fear for the worst. Besides, with me gone, there'll be no one to interfere with the Sister Fight Protocol, and I know they'll appreciate that. - Lola said, LANA: Don't you ever called my brother a slob, you princess snob! - Leni yells. said Lucy, I was kicked out of the young morticians club by Haiku and the others because Lincoln ended up being Haiku's brother. LANA: Uh huh. Loud," he says drearily, "I'm afraid that the major heart attack that your son suffered from greatly weakened him." It only took two minutes for his sisters to begin another crying session before they're made to part. They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. On his first day at Archetype Academy, a school that trains its student to harness their potential, Lincoln Loud worries that his lack of powers will ruin his attempts to follow in his exceptional sisters' footsteps. - Luan said - The impact knocked him unconscious. Lana: Ohhh. If my sisters are going to make me the laughingstock for the rest of my life, then I don't think it's worth it. said Luna who was heartbroken by what her crush had said earlier, Look Luna's right if we do something we need to do it when there's no one around. "Truth is, despite everything, I actually liked you, twerp." - Lola said - You knocked him on the floor, Leni! LENI: Don't cry, Lily, we'll get his memories back. LENI: Of course. - Lucy finished, LUCY: C'mon, let us restore our brother's memories. (In the dining room, Lana and Lincoln, who each has a glass of milk, are sitting at the dinner table, Leni, wearing an apron and oven mitts, is in the kitchen taking the cookies out of the oven), LINCOLN: (sniffs) Smells good, Leni. (Luna grabs Lincoln, much to Leni's frustration, Leni went back to Luna and Luan's room), (Lincoln and Luna played the guitar and drums, respectively, Leni unplugged Luna's base amp). The only catch? said Carol shocking them, Well then how about we pick our rooms. It took Lori some time, but she eventually found her sitting in the van. There is only one way to get Lincoln back! - Luan pointed out - Wearing a cast is like wearing braces, you just have to get used to it. - Lola said - Not a slob who read comics in his underwear. LANA: Simple, take some dry mud, use some soft mud, and mix them together. LYNN: I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. LANA: It's true. (Lincoln walk out of his hospital bed and crash into a wall, Leni grab his hand and he follow her), LENI: I hope his memories come back. LOLA: Wake up and smell the hairspray, Lincoln. #lincolnloud LISA: Amnesia is a partial or total loss of memory. LANA: (off-screen and furious) Stop calling my brother a slob! It's over! - Leni said - Let's go, Lincoln. - Leni scolded, LYNN: But I always wanted a brother to play with me. - Lana agreed, (Leni handed Lincoln and Lana each a plate of cookies and she sat down with them, with her own plate of cookies and glass of milk. - Lincoln said, holding his head, (Lincoln walk to his door and a bucket of water fell on Lincoln, drenching him), (The bucket ends up falling from the ceiling, hitting Lincoln in the head), LINCOLN: Not again. - Lincoln greeted - Have you been watching me sleep? - Lynn angrily said. LINCOLN: (blushes) I can't believe we bathed together when we were younger. - Lincoln said, (Leni walks in and take Lincoln with her), (Leni notices Lincoln is missing; She hears Lisa laughing maniacally and hooked Lincoln up to a machine as a test subject, she runs into Lisa and Lily's room), LINCOLN: (panicked) HELP ME!! - Lincoln said - All Lola does is being selfish to me and always fighting with you. OK, so this is the final part of the response that I made to Requiem for a Loud. LINCOLN: (confused) Memories? Lynn looks at her sister, ashamed. - Luan says. Unaware that La Llorona is coming for her lost children and is heading to the reincarnation of one of them. "Ok, don't move. She's always happy and perky. - the nicer sisters in agreement. - Lisa said - I need to run a couple of tests on him. Stop laughing! He becomes Linka Loud in order to save the world. Right before he closed his eyes for the final time, he saw some familiar boy looking at him with an expression of happiness. Leni: Yeah, this feels like I could be a two parter..TO BE CONTINUED! Lana: Can you read me a bedtime story after I finish my snack? All the Lawson siblings met at the front of the high school and immediately went to go get Lincoln, and Linka's hair dyed. - Lynn says - He's my sports partner! (Cuts back to the present where Lincoln and Lana are watching TV), LINCOLN: I never tease her when she got injured. On Lincoln's calendar, Luan's scrunchie is the color of her hair, instead of yellow, and the hole on Lana's cap is missing. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. Lynn sniffles. Have you ever found yourself saying: "Golly gee, all these stories with fleshed out characters and developed plots sure are dumb. "Please Lincoln, don't leave us!" Lincoln'a arms were scratched and his back was sore, but the only major injury was his now very damaged leg. Well fret no more! Son of Alastor and Rita Loud. In the end, Lincoln is happy that his family no longer sees him as bad luck, but only when he's wearing the squirrel costume, much to his annoyance. Because of this, Lincoln sneaks his way out of the kitchen, and next to the staircase. LOLA: Lincoln, I'm so sorry! When Lincoln doesn't seem to notice any of the Loud sisters' advances, they come up with a plan to get him to notice them through more subtle means. When they get home, the girls rush inside, as Lincoln slowly heads towards the front door). While Lincoln was feeling rather weak, he mustered up enough strength to tenderly pet his younger sisters' heads. For a while, he seems to be enjoying the comic book. After a while, Lincoln gets back up from his bed). Infiltration and rescue. #linkaloud As the family heads home, Lynn overreacts and chastises Lincoln because her team was on a winning streak, but ever since he came, the streak broke. Lincoln/harem. Once Lynn Senior figures out what's going onit doesn't end well for him (). LENI: OMG! Seizing control, Chapter 11. - Dr. Marshall said - It varies, just take him home and maybe he'll get his memories back from his surroundings. LENI: No, it's not! (Lincoln fall on the ground, Leni walk out of the kitchen and sees Lincoln, she gasp and run to him) LENI: Oh no! LORI: We're really sorry, Lincoln. I can't take my sisters' constant meddling, teasing, belittling, and taking me for granted. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. The family think Lincoln is bad luck so they ban him from attending their activities. LUNA: No, he's gonna be my roadie! Lincoln ended up dying a week shy of the doctor's proposed two weeks. But when they arrivedThe four siblings learned that they all had magic. Work Search: As Lucy backed away from the bed, Lincoln felt a tug on his bed sheets, and he looked down to see the teary-eyed twins. Now. "But if I didn't hit Lincoln with that damn ball" Lori embraces her younger sister. LENI: (incensed) But what about Lincoln?! Lincoln: Oh, hi there. And remember when they kicked me out of the van? (Leni kissed him on his forehead and rubbed his back, he hugs her gently), LINCOLN: (chuckles) Thanks, Leni. He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at. I don't own The Loud House or it's characters, Th Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much Lincoln disappeared. Lincoln was horrified by what he had seen. LINCOLN: That was good. - Lincoln said - I never knew giving flowers to some girl I like works. It wasn't me! said Lynn angrly, You can't do that Lynn Maggie will never talk to me again. - Lincoln groaned - Where am I? Knowing this to be true, they walk back towards Lincoln's bed in defeat. - Lynn said with her voice breaking - I shouldn't never been that reckless around you, if I wouldn't be that reckless, you wouldn't end up in this condition. (Livid, Lynn kicked the table, breaking it and run upstairs to her room). - Lana said, peeved, LOLA: I was thinking I should dye his hair blond, too. - Leni said - Can I sign your cast, little bro? Happy? "Lynn, please Lincoln needs this as much as we do," begs Luna. Completed loriloud lincolnloud lucyloud +9 more # 2 Lincpool & Lynn-23 (Loud House x M. by Lance1889 592 44 4 Inspired by Patanu's Lincpool artwork. Lincoln: They're in the pantry. Lincoln rolls to his side in disappointment. Now I can Lincoln: Refresh my memory. "Lincoln, Lincoln, no!" - Luna said. The doctor felt the intensity of the girls' looks, and he struggled to finish his conclusion. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Mankind is under siege by a malevolent entity from beyond the stars. - Lynn says. LENI: Wait! Please.please grab my hand." (Lincoln got up with his crutch and he thinks for a moment), (Lincoln and Lola hug, Lana and Leni was touched by this, Lola run upstairs to her room and grab a pink marker, she walk downstairs and signed Lincoln cast), (On his arm cast it says "I love you" and on his leg cast it says "I'm sorry"). You're grounded young man! Before Lynn's second game, when Lincoln was outside, he was in his PJ's, but when he's in the squirrel suit, he has his clothes on. "LLynn," groans Lincoln agonizingly. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? LINCOLN: Huh. - Lori said. Weakened by the heart attack, he slowly expressed his final wishes to his family. Needles were placed on Lincoln's cheeks, chest, and hands to get blood inside him. I don own anything but the storyline. - Lana said, (Leni and Lana help Lincoln out of bed and the three walk down for breakfast; In the dining room, Lincoln is eating waffles, Lana is eating pancakes, and Leni is eating an omelette). - Lincoln said, in pain, (Lincoln walk to his bed and he feel asleep), (Lincoln wakes up and he walk out of his room and went to Leni and Lori's room, where Leni is reading). - Lynn scolded - I'm not reckless! (It reveals it's Luna, who's holding a glass of water). LENI: Which you kicked and made it hit Lincoln in the head! - Lola said. "Great work, Lincoln, I am so proud of you." - Lincoln said gratefully, (The two hugged each other, then Leni kissed him on the cheek), LORI, LUNA, LUAN, LYNN, LUCY, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: Awwwwww! - the others said cutely, (Lori and the others leave Leni and Lincoln alone, she pulled up the scrapbook), LENI: You wanna look through our childhood memories together? RITA: This has gone far enough! LINCOLN: Oh, and Lori, you and your group of sisters changing me into something different wasn't nice. Lana: I need something to wash it down with. Lynn and Lori stopped in their tracks. Completed lucyloud depression lunaloud +9 more # 4 Pokemon: The Loudest Ranger by Hollowhunter2 8.6K 312 13 Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. "Mr. and Mrs. SUMMARY: Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home. Don't see this as a mistake, see this as an opportunity." Kicked me out of the kitchen floor Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter ugly... 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