We must have got lost after that last turn., Overal aerial view of Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station the origin of Flight 19. (Credit: Acey Harper/Getty Images), Lieutenant Robert F. Cox, another Navy flight instructor who was flying near the Florida coast, was the first to overhear the patrols radio communications. This is a moment of great political danger, I think, for these men. [1] These intercepts captured only one side of the Soviet transmissionsthose of the high-flying fighter aircraft. They drive to the airfield for him to catch his flight. Part of the file addresses the aircrews status as missing versus being declared dead. The accident reports for the aircraft can be located in the series titled General Correspondence, 1943-45 in the Records of the Bureau of Aeronautics (Record Group 72). Given the bad weather and heavy seas, all of them may not even have escaped their aircraft after ditching and some may have sunk with their planes. Position 28 degrees 59 minutes north, 80 degrees 25 minutes west. Bradley Hart: Lundeen sort of creates a gadfly reputation for himself. When Senator Lundeen boarded that doomed Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane in August 1940, remember that his final destination was back home in Minnesota, where he was slated to deliver a speech on Labor Day weekend. The reports of a possible physical altercation among the passengers on the plane, those reports would never be fully verified. Also unexplained is why none of the members of Flight 19 made use of the rescue radio frequency or their planes ZBX receivers, which could have helped lead them toward Navy radio towers on land. . Maddow: Among all the strange circumstances surrounding this crash, there was also a note. Over. Radio Announcer: Youre about to hear an address delivered before a meeting of the America First Committee in Madison Square Garden in New York City. Renace Painter: It was terrible. Did people lose their seat? It was on the return when things took a different turn. The search party spent five days combing through more than 300,000 square miles of territory, to no avail. Some of the transcripts include a detailed explanation of . Even if some did escape their sinking planes, they might not have pulled their life rafts out of the hatch on the rear fuselage before the planes were swamped and sunk in the heavy seas. We still don't know. comments: FT-74 was already airborne and thereafter he flew south. One of the SAR aircraft reported the weather after the flight: the ceiling was approximately 800 to 1200 feet overcast, occasional showers, estimated wind, west southwest about 25 30 knots. - Enjoy Radio Scripts from the Golden Age of Radio! A flight that none of them would survive. Thats what the report said: Prevented from effectively operating the controls. Prevented by what? But there was a passenger manifest from the airline. He tells the story to everyone who is interested! Because these are administrative files, they are arranged using the. And he didn't know. But he still wanted more. Flannery: Well, from where we're standing, it's, its between us and the Short Hill mountain. Finally, the flight leader wasnt doing the navigating, but rather the students were flying the route prescribed estimating time and distance while holding the prescribed headings. The training flight and the aircraft were organized under Naval Air Training Command, Atlantic Fleet, which is a subordinate command to Commander, Training Command, Atlantic Fleet, and the search and rescue effort were conducted by units from the Gulf Sea Frontier. Reason? He was buried in a military cemetery. A total of 14 airmen in five US Navy Grumman TBM Avenger torpedo bombers set out from Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for a combat and navigation training exercise. Much of the information in media accounts has been altered to support the myth. Maddow: John Flannery is giving us a tour of the exact location where Pennsylvania Central Airlines Flight 19 met its end. And the good people of Minnesota forgave him, apparently. comments: winds at altitude were about 30 to 35 knots from the west, in other words, the winds were pushing the planes out into the open Atlantic east of the Bahamas.). This is a story about politics at the edge. In light of the transcripts and details of the events that we know and can verify from that day, it seems as if the events of 67 years ago today in aviation history, have suffered more from sensational reporting than any actual truth in research. Based on radio communications with the air station, the first leg of the flight and the bombing practice took place according to plan. He says, quote, "Justice Department agents were attempting to find out the extent to which Berlin was definitely hooked up with any members of [Congress] when Lundeen's plane crashed. At one point does try to visit the troops and is turned away by the military because he's seen as a, an almost unpatriotic figure. Required fields are marked *. "The transcript has been shared with the families, and is attached as an Annex . That allows us to make our own judgment about what might have happened. Was he fatigued or feeling ill? Records of the Lost: Looking at the Records of Flight 19, Records Relating to World War II War Crimes in Europe in the Records of United States Army, Europe (Record Group 549), Muster Rolls, Rosters, Morning Reports, and Personnel Diaries, Records Relating to World War II War Crimes in Europe in the Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army) (Record Group 153), Records of the United States Military Tribunals, Nuremberg in the National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records (Record Group 238), Records of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg in the National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records (Record Group 238), Holocaust-Era Art Provenance and Claims Records and Research at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), The Vietnam War: Digitized Historical Resources. These accident reports include a form report describing the circumstances of the loss of the aircraft, who was aboard at the time, additional information related to the search efforts, and the general decision on who or what was to blame for the loss. Now the expos did not mention Senator Lundeen by name, but the newspaper's description of the scheme, it was spot-on when it came to describing the nature of that relationship, the nature of the activities that Lundeen was up to with that German agent. Maddow: Hidden away in a refrigerated train car. As a, as a recovering federal prosecutor you would throw somebody out of your office if they came in and they said, This is our finding. Really? Located at the National Archives in College Park and in the regional branches like the National Archives in Atlanta, this record group is divided into naval commands, and there may be several entries per command that cover World War II through the late 1950s. There are few events in U. S. history that spark the imagination to "what happened" than the disappearance of Flight 19 on December 5, 1945. Apollo 13 Transcripts . Now, do you think thats sufficient basis to keep these facts from the American public? Desiderio: When we talk about the DOJs response after the crash, in addition to saying those agents were on the plane by coincidence, they also deny that Lundeen was under investigation at all. They arrive at the airfield. Maddow: In his first stint in Washington, Lundeen had opposed the U.S. getting involved in World War I. Ernest Lundeen went to Ortonville, Minnesota to give a speech on foreign policy, but this angry crowd turned up and force-marched him out of the venue after he'd only spit out about two sentences of his speech. The loss of the planes and crew of Flight 19 remains a mystery to this day. But another thing that Drew Pearson was definitely right about in his reporting was his prediction that the Justice Department was going to deny that Senator Lundeen was under investigation. But it turns out it wasn't your average Ernest Lundeen stump speech. FT-28 to his flight: Holding course 270 degrees; we didnt go far enough east we may as well just turn around and go east again. (Ed comments: The flight leader is actually advising that they turn back around and head east back toward the open ocean, having lost confidence in the westerly heading. He hung onto that tooth until his death as a contemplation of the duality between the notion of immortality and the death that was everywhere contradicting it. He had a spotless record. When fuel began to run low, Taylor was heard prepping his men for a potential crash landing in the ocean. Keep in mind, this was the third and final time Taylor had to ditch his plane due to being lost. But from the transcript it's unclear what the flight crew . These files include correspondence from the Casualty Assistance Branch regarding the circumstances of the losses and any legal changes to their status. Flight 19 was a United States Navy training mission that disappeared in 1945 within the Bermuda Triangle, forming one of the central parts in the Bermuda Triangle mythology.Its complement of five Grumman Avenger bombers, crewed by fourteen airmen, were lost at sea on 5 December 1945 after losing their bearings. The first part of the flight in getting to the Bahamas was successful. All Rights Reserved. Maddow: After the crash of Trip 19, Senator Ernest Lundeen was given a state funeral in Minnesota. Dont come after me., FT-74: Roger, youre at 2,300. The temperature was 67 degrees. No copyright is asserted. Other books and fictional portrayals have suggested that magnetic anomalies, parallel dimensions and alien abductions might have all played a role in the tragedy. And he managed to stand out even from his other peers who voted no like he did. A short of list of select filing designations are A17-9 (Naval Courts and Boards), A17-24 (Court of Inquiry), A17-25 (Board of Investigations), L11-1 (Material Loss), the different aircraft types, VTBM1 and VPBM5, and the different naval air stations NA29 - Jacksonville NAS, NA59 - Cocoa and Banana River NAS, and NA106 - Fort Lauderdale NAS. Radio Reporter: Today, Saturday August the 31st. The five avenger bomber training planes of Flight 19 led by Commander Charles Taylor take off at 14:10. But Im sure, now, that neither one of my compasses is working., FT-74: You cant expect to get here in ten minutes. The tragic, mysterious crash of a commercial airliner in the summer of 1940 left a scene of devastation in rural Virginia -- and a series of unanswered questions. These files include correspondence from the Casualty Assistance Branch regarding the circumstances of the losses and any legal changes to their status. In fact, the fireball was seen from the tanker ship S.S. Gaines Mills, whose captain relayed that he had seen the plane catch fire and explode. The planescollectively known as Flight 19were scheduled to tackle a three-hour exercise known as Navigation Problem Number One. Their triangular flight plan called for them to head east from the Florida coast and conduct bombing runs at a place called Hens and Chickens Shoals. Among the warning signs first, none of the aircraft in Flight 19 had a clock installed, a necessary instrument if one is flying time-speed-distance legs. A reporter for the Winchester Evening Star in Virginia filed a story from the crash scene that day for the Associated Press. And they didn't just run him out of Congress, they ran him out of town on a rail. Maddow: In the wake of the Trip 19 plane crash, the Justice Department said there was nothing to see here. No one was under investigation, it was all just a coincidence. The microfilmed series is a collection of materials that was eventually used in the Navys Board of Investigation including weather observations, the history of the aircraft and engine logs, a rough crash log, radio station logs, preflight forms, communication logs, incident reports, air/sea rescue plans, maps of the search area. 2. At about 2:10pm Eastern Standard Time. The disappearance began the modern myth of the Bermuda Triangle. There were also those reports of an altercation that took place among the passengers on-board the plane, what the secretary reportedly saw before takeoff, what the policeman reportedly told her. FT-28: All planes close up tight well have to ditch unless landfall when the first plane drops below 10 gallons, we all go down together.. And he didn't just keep it for a day, he kept it the whole rest of his life. 1: Navy Air Station (NAS) Fort Lauderdale in Florida. An example of these records are the Central Subject Files, 1942-1945 of the 7th Naval District. When Lundeens secretary raced to the scene of the crash that afternoon to learn the fate of her boss, one report from the time says she met a policeman at the scene of the crash who told her something strange. Having not crossed Florida, nor gone south and around the Keys, a flight that would have taken an hour or so, more time than they had been aloft before they had started flying NE and E, the evidence is clear that the flight leader was seriously lost. The troubles only mounted after a front blew in and brought rain, gusting winds and heavy cloud cover. Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra is a production of MSNBC and NBC News. If it no longer meets these criteria, you can reassess it. He informed the Air Station of the conflict and contacted Flight 19 to see if they needed help. Third, the weather was not good as popular lore would have us believe with calms seas. He was about 15 at the time. After more than a decade biding his time, building up the support and the war chest he would need to try again, Lundeen made another run for office. The plane crash made sure of that. He told her hed gone too far and could not turn back. True, they probably had instrumentation failure through most, if not all of the flight, but, the report does list the fishing vessel crew witnessing the bombing way-point and reporting so, stating that the aircraft continued east. What is your altitude? (Ed. Young: The question has never been put to rest. Madeleine Haeringer is our Head of Editorial. The squadron (collectively called Flight 19) was led by Lieutenant Charles Taylor, who had logged over . Maddow: It wasnt just the length of time it took to prepare the speech that set it apart. Maddow: Separate from that report, there was Senator Lundeens strange behavior in his office right before he and his secretary left for the airport. Maddow: John Flannery, who gave us the tour of the crash site, he also happens to be a former federal prosecutor he was an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York for years. It began as nothing more than a routine training flight. Now, there were only 25 people total on the plane three people from the Justice Department and the senator among them. Archival support from Holly Klopchin. ), FT-28, this is FT-74, what is your trouble?, Both my compasses are out and I am trying to find Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Pennsylvania Central Airlines Flight 19, a brand new Douglas DC-3, had come down with such velocity that its engines were driven six feet down into the earth. The full episode transcript for Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra | Episode 1: Trip 19. Historic Wings is pleased to present our feature stories celebrating great events and stories in aviation history. Actpot, Actpot! They let him ride in the caboose to the next station. Shares. And there's a reason to know this history now. Suspicions that the seaplane may have gone up in flames were all but confirmed by a passing merchant ship, which spotted a fireball and found evidence of an oil slick in the ocean. With so many aircraft flying at once, odds were that there would be malfunctions. The amount of fuel left based on that location and airspeed. But ten days after his burial, all hell broke loose over the legacy and death of Senator Lundeen because of another newspaper report: September 13th, 1940. He was recently transferred to NAS Fort Lauderdale (. Maddow: The plane that crashed was a new DC-3. Maddow: It's Saturday, August 31st, 1940. He knows which windy country roads to take in order to find it. Flannery: I think that the coincidence defies the probabilities, Lundeen: Reason? We couldnt. Our Senior Executive Producers are Cory Gnazzo and Laura Conaway. And, for that matter, while he sat in his office with his head in his hands just before leaving for that flight. When she dropped her boss at the airfield for the flight, the Senator's secretary according to some accounts had noticed through the open doorway of the plane that something was happening between the passengers. He's due to fly that day to Pittsburgh. Clocks are a simple navigational requirement. When fuel began to run low, Taylor was heard prepping his men for a potential crash landing in the. However, those who claim that something mysterious happened are simply making up stories out of thin air. The weather was good but the sea state was bordering on rough. comments: this meant that he wanted to stay on the same frequency with the rest of his flight. Maddow: Lundeen's constituents back home in Minnesota were also pretty peeved with him at the time. Nancy Beck Young: He was on the run for not only his political life, but his actual life. Were they there because Senator Lundeen was on board? What do you make of that? In the World War II Command Files that are part of the Records of the Chief of Naval Operations (Record Group 38), there is a file unit titled Shore Establishments, Jacksonville Naval Air Station Board of Investigation 5 TBM Avengers 7 December 1945 that includes a copy of the findings of the Board of Investigation (Box 419). Flight 19 was a United States Navy training mission that disappeared in 1945 within the Bermuda Triangle, forming one of the central parts in the Bermuda Triangle mythology. Since the planes have still never been recovered, the true fate of . Heres the lede: "If Federal authorities probe deep-enough into the crash of the Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane which carried Senator Lundeen to his death in Virginia, they may find some highly interesting facts regarding Nazi activities in the United States. He pressed his case on the radio, and on the senate floor, and at home with his constituents. Radio communication between the Flight 19 crew indicated that not all members of the flight agreed with Lieutenant Taylor's call and that one plane may have broken off and attempted to make the return flight alone. He could not contact the flight further. Maddow: The plane Senator Ernest Lundeen was on crashed in rural Virginia, less than forty miles from where it took off in Washington. Hart: There's a publication called PM, which is a left-wing tabloid, a muckraking left-wing paper in New York city, which happens to do incredible reporting. The Training Mission It stressed, essentially, that we Americans had more in common with them, with Germans, than we had with our allies who Germany at that moment was busy invading and conquering. And I asked his surviving younger brother, Mr. Painter, why do you think he did that? You must do this now. 00 00 02 46 . No explanation. We have a flight plan update for you and some P37 block data, if you're ready to copy. We dont seem to be getting far. But soon there was also something else. They would then turn north and proceed over Grand Bahama Island before changing course a third time and flying southwest back to base. Air-Sea Rescue Task Unit Four at Fort Everglades (ASRTU-4) (paraphrased): Suggest another aircraft in your flight take over lead since your compasses are out. Radio Announcer: This is the National Broadcasting Company. We certainly don't know if something weird happening between the passengers somehow brought the plane down. Flight 19 was a squadron of five TBM Avengers: a single engine aircraft manned by three crew (pilot, turret gunner and radioman/bombardier). Lundeen doesn't do any of these things. Flight 19 Disappearance: 5 December 1945, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There are some irregularities with the historical record, however. The microfilmed series is a collection of materials that was eventually used in the Navys Board of Investigation including weather observations, the history of the aircraft and engine logs, a rough crash log, radio station logs, preflight forms, communication logs, incident reports, air/sea rescue plans, maps of the search area. Pic credit: Discovery. They just vanished, Navy Lieutenant David White later recalled. He lay in state at the state capitol. Support for that movement among serving members of Congress who prove willing and able to use their share of American political power to defend the extremists, to protect themselves, to throw off the investigation. Actually, it was flyable, but windy with rough seas. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. A handful of land-based radio stations were able to triangulate Flight 19's position as being somewhere north of the Bahamas and significantly off the coast of Florida. For the next hour, the flight apparently flew back toward Florida directly into the teeth of a strong headwind. But what she finds there leaves no room for hope. For the next three hours, naval air stations listened to the growing confusion and frustration of the commanding pilot as he tried to figure out how to either get back or land somewhere safe. Scripts are listed by the first noun in the title. He didn't sell it. May 17, 201702:30. In addition to these records, there are related records in other series that have not been digitized in the custody of the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference. That investigation found that while there was bad weather there was thunder and lightning and some heavy rainfall in the area there was nothing so unusual about the storm that the plane shouldn't have been cleared to fly. At first, Flight 19s hop proceeded just as smoothly as the previous 18 that day. They were headed for Howland Island, a dot two feet . Flight instructor LT Robert F. Cox was on another flight in the area and overheard many of Flight 19's final radio transmissions. Senator Ernest Lundeen quickly became one of the loudest and most confident voices inveighing against the U.S. joining the fight. Flight 19s radio transmissions soon became increasingly faint as it meandered out to sea. The fleet, known as Flight 19, took off from a Naval Air Station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida almost 77 years ago, on December 5, 1945. . In addition to the records at the National Archives in College Park, there may be other relevant records relating to Flight 19 that were created by local naval air stations and the regional naval district. His followers are, are armed. On that Saturday morning of the Labor Day weekend, despite the fact that he is so visibly upset, that he is inconsolably crying in his office, the trip is still on. On 7 September 1983, Japan and the United States jointly released a transcript of Soviet communications, intercepted by the listening post at Wakkanai, Japan to an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council. The five Avengers are filed under VTBM1/L11-1 1945 in Box 5181 and the Mariner is filed under VPBM5/L11-1 1945 in Box 4766. Maddow: Lundeens speech that he planned to give on Labor Day 1940, it extolled the great contributions of German culture to American life. Formerly Security Classified Correspondence, 1940-1946. , which are arranged using the Navy Filing Manual, so the suggested filing designations are a good place to start. Hart: The archival records suggests that possibly some, if not pro-Hitler, sort of pro-peacemaking with Nazi Germany type content. The air station is directly on your left from the port. (Ed. The Navy sent out units to search for the lost planes as early as 6 PM that evening. snowpiercer wiki fandom 1 min read. The final entry from just after 1:19am comes from one of the two MH370 pilots, who says "good night, Malaysian three seven zero". No other communications were heard from Flight 19. Maddow: This was just days after Senator Lundeen was buried and Drew Pearson just drops this bombshell. Hart: You can imagine how this strikes the country, that this man who had been seen already as an outspoken anti-war figure, allegations already circulating that he might be pro-German, if not pro-Nazi, has suddenly died dramatically. creativerse programmable villager 1 min read. He's got his head down on his desk, his head is buried in his arms. Then the radio transmissions ended about 6:30 PM that evening with LT Talyor saying that they might have to ditch at sea unless they found land and that when the first plane goes below 10 gallons of fuel, then all will ditch together. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. And Ernest Lundeen threw himself headlong into the effort to try to stop that, too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app. A sitting U.S. In brief, for those unfamiliar with the story, Flight 19 was a training flight of five Grumman TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers that took off from Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale, FL on the afternoon of December 5, 1945. Simultaneously, an inland search was carried out in hope that the aircraft had come down in the Everglades. For 14 minutes, there was no word from FT-28. There is no plaque, there is no marker designating it as the site of a deadly plane crash. Maddow: Lundeen's political career had a bit of a bumpy start. Both series are arranged by the Navy Filing Manual. The board also concluded that neither the pilot nor the co-pilot were actively controlling the plane when it crashed. John Flannery didn't only talk to the surviving witnesses to the plane crash, he's also made a real study of the aeronautics board report into the crash. Flight 19 was the designation of a group of five General Motors TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945, after losing contact during a United States Navy overwater navigation training flight from Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale, Florida. FT-28: I cannot switch frequencies. Im coming to meet you anyhow., FT-28: We have just passed over a small island. On review, it seems likely that the loss of Flight 19 was more an issue of a command failure than one of little green men. Maddow: One local farmer told a wire service that the human remains, quote: "were so badly mangled, I don't see how they could ever be recognized.". Maddow: With the world steaming toward World War as Hitler stormed Europe, picking off country after country, U.S. Maddow: Even decades after the fact, eyewitnesses to the crash were just haunted by what they saw that day. AA11: Turning right, American 11. In a letter sent to the Senator's widow, the Attorney General wrote that law enforcement officials were on that plane with the Senator by pure coincidence.. ), Unidentified pilot: Dammit, if we could just fly west we would get home; head west, dammit. (Ed comments: This was the only voice of reason, one of the inexperienced pilots who recognized that they were still off the east coast of Florida in fact, based on even rudimentary navigation, that was the ONLY possibility. Incredibly, despite achieving a reasonable radio fix, somehow that information was not relayed to Flight 19. And Senator Lundeen knew it. Maddow: The aeronautics board report concluded that the multiple witnesses who described abnormally loud roaring engines right at the time of the crash, those witnesses were onto something. In the wake of the loss, the US Navy followed regular procedure and undertook not a lone search and rescue flight, but rather a massive search effort involving hundreds of aircraft and ships that were immediately dispatched offshore. In this particular case, a decision was made, based on the evidence on hand, but deferred the final decision to the Board of Investigation to be held later. Passengers on the senate floor, and website in this browser for the lost planes early! Moment of great political danger, I think that the coincidence defies the probabilities, Lundeen: reason threw. Flannery: I think, for these men political career had a bit a! Desk, his head is buried in his hands just before leaving for that.. Rest of his flight, this was the third and final time Taylor to! No one was under investigation, it was flyable, but his actual life stories aviation... No word from FT-28 Taylor, who had logged over Airlines flight 19 led by Lieutenant Taylor! 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