I listed them oldest to youngest and also in the order I got them. During the digestion process, this molecule is degraded to biliverdin, a greenish compound (derived from the Old French word verd meaning green). 12. Moreover, allowing the feces to pile up will cause the ferret smell to be a stronger and extreme odor in the cage and your room. When it comes to the structure, it can be hard, soft, runny, seedy (or grainy) and it can have mucus. These symptoms will usually appear within a baby's first two months of life. So, if you have a pet ferret, experts advise getting a litter pan and making sure it is the right size. That might be a more gentle diet for Simon if hes suffering from an ulcer. Another ferret owner wrote about the wonders of canned pure pumpkin. The type of diet determines how the food is processed. Make sure you dont get pumpkin pie filling in a can it has to be PURE pumpkin and from what Ive read, Libbys is the best brand for pure pumpkin. Just like with the color, the poop can be a different type. Epizootic catarrhal enteritis or ECE, is a most common form of illness due to which the poop appears green in color. ~Nona. Id suggest the best thing to do is to take him to a ferret vet to be checked over. At this point, it really doesnt matter whether the food is kibble or prey, the stomachs actions (and the rest of the G.I. As she is still in recovery from her operation, can you get this food to give her , https://www.oxbowanimalhealth.com/our-products/professional-line/carnivore-care/. I would recommend you give your girl the dose mentioned in this comment, as it seems to work wonders if there is something blocking a ferrets gut! ? \ Ferret Lifespan: How Long Do Ferrets Live? Izzy, can you point to when your little girl started t!o get her watery poop? This will ensure that when your ferret uses the litter box the next time, he does not make a mess while digging. A few vitamins and salts, such as Vitamin K, are absorbed here as well, but that process has no affect on fecal composition. It is most likely a sign of maldigestion or malabsorption. It can be a different kibble or complete kibble to raw meat transition. I personally havent tried this but have heard good reports about it from other ferret owners , http://www.provitalhealth.com/ferret-healthy-life/. Putting the syringe straight into her mouth could mean that the fluid could enter her lungs and make her very sick Regular preventive dental care is recommended as for the dog or cat. If your ferret hasnt pooped in the last 12-24 hours, that needs your immediate reaction. 15. I will give you an update on her soon. Another cause of yellow poop can be trouble with digestion. I really think you need to take her asap to find out what is wrong. This ferret poop chart with explanations is a great way to prepare yourself for every trouble. They also prescribed them with Sulcrafate, Amoxicillin, and metronidazole. Why do ferrets poop GREY? So we went back to the vet for another emergency visit. Massive hemorrhage is from severe gastric fluids or shock. Ever. Diarrhea can be caused due to stress, low-quality ferret food, or a serious disease like ECE. The large intestine, or colon, has a relatively simple function the extraction of the remainder of water from the ingesta, and storage prior to excretion from the body. Hi Nona my seven year old ferret Samy has been sick for a month.She loss weight and hair and when she wake up she Scratches a lot. . He wasnt eating or drinking so I put him in a warm bath and that made him drink water because he always drinks his bath water and I think it helped sooth his bum. The mucus most often affects the lungs, but it can also impact the digestive tract. There is also the microscopic parasite known as the Giardia which affects the small intestine and can be contacted by humans through contact with ferret feces. However, there are several other causes of vomiting in ferrets that could indicate a more serious problem including: Parasites Toxins Foreign body entrapment (esophageal, stomach, or intestinal) Dietary changes Hope your old guy is okay and is with you for many more years! Note that you should never place the litter tray near the spot where your ferret eats and sleeps in his cage. Monitor your ferret, check his behavior. All the best My guys get astaxanthin (the liquid of one pill squirted into their smoothie jug together with other supplements. Moreover, they like to stick to the routine and poop at the same place always. If you are a new pet owner, you might be baffled out as to how many times your tiny friend poops. Crohn's Disease. ? Again, I havent tried this on any of my guys as I cant seem to find the cans of pure pumpkin in any of the stores down under but have a read of what the lady said and perhaps itd be worth your while to try it to see if itll help? Fingers crossed it does . However, if the poop continuously shows mucus, you should immediately take your ferret for a check-up. She started her Friendly Ferret blog when she got her first ferret Frida 8 years ago. Monitoring poop occasionally is a good part of keeping tabs on your pets health, or monitoring response to therapy for ferrets with some GI problems (very common issues in the older ferret). Yes, ferret poop can contain lots of toxins and bacteria such as salmonella that can be detrimental to human health. http://www.revivalanimal.com/Rebound-Liquid-Diet.html, I hope some of my suggestions will help Simon to improve. You can check the poops color and your ferrets activity level to determine the severity of the runny poop. All she wants to do is sleep all day and not play. For example, green ferret poop may be an indication of an illness called epizootic catarrhal enteritis, which affects the intestinal tract. Do you have a ferret vet that you can take him to? I think it would be safest to take her to your vet to be checked over. Would I be right to highlight this. As the color says, green poop isnt a good poop. Also, a male ferret will need to keep his four feet in the litter pan before pooping. As pets, owners can opt to feed them live or pre-killed mice and rabbits. The total absence of feces in an animal that is still eating, coupled with signs of abdominal pain like grinding teeth, walking hunched, and laying flat out with occasionally nipping at the abdomen are signs of total blockage and a veterinary emergency. Hi Brendalicia The lining of the intestine is composed of billions of fingerlike folds called villi, which give a thousand-fold larger area than just a hollow tube with a smooth surface. I dont know if her poop has changed because you put her on wet food (please be aware that wet food can cause a ferrets teeth to rot so you must check her teeth regularly and if they go brown, then take her to get her teeth cleaned otherwise it could be detrimental to her health), however the black poop might be because of something going on inside! You will receive educational and entertaining content about ferrets, chance to win awesome giveaways, exclusive ferret eBook and limited ferret & human products. Any condition that causes intestinal hypermotility, or the feces to move faster than the normal four-hour transit time for ferrets, results in incomplete digestion of biliverdin, and green feces. My friend said it could be possible kidney failure but Im unsure. Younger ferrets or kits tend to poop more as compared to adult ferrets. His sickness happened overnight, hes not vomiting nor having diarrhea. The stomach is essentially a place where food is broken down and mixed. If the poop looks almost bubbly (from the gases) and very, very dark and sticky then theres a good chance its caused by eosinophilic enteritis. It had mucous but it had the texture of normal poop. Do you know how to recognize a healthy ferret poop? How wonderful, Margarita! Another one of my boys(Donut) was found chewing on it when I found sora. tract, as a large particle attracts and holds water, and may ultimately overwhelm the intestines ability to resorb it. Hence, they can process their food very quickly. The Best Ferret Food for Happy, Healthy Pets, Ferret Poop: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know, AdviceHub, Available here: https://petopedia.petscorner.co.uk/looking-after-ferrets/, Friendly Ferret, Available here: https://friendlyferret.com/ferret-poop/, Gardening Know How, Available here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/composting/manures/ferret-poop-in-compost.htm. One of the easiest ways to know if your ferret is healthy is by checking his poop. ~Nona. It might indicate the presence of intestinal parasites in your ferret or some other problems. I thought my email would tell me you replied but it did not or I missed it. Hi Caitlin No one can say for sure why the mucus is there or what it means . Shes only 2 yrs old, still very active. Cheers Hi Quin Saliva not only acts as a lubricant and softener for food, but contains some digestive compounds lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat, and amylase, which begins the process of digestion by cleaving starches into small, more readily digested compounds. We mentioned green stools earlier in the article. I live in the United states in St Augustine, Florida. Hello, my 11 month old ferret two weeks ago had a day where he was acting lethargic and just wanting to sleep and didnt really go poop at all. Polecat vs Ferret: What Are the Differences? We also do our best to "ferret-out" unique and one-of-a-kind ferret gifts and treasures for ferret enthusiasts at a variety of price points. But, the biggest symptom is bright green poop and that is why ferret owners call it green slime disease. ~Nona. Loss of Muscle or Skin Tone. Hugs to your little man from his new buddies down under. But as of now I hope the newer food could help him get normal again but I just wanted to contact you and see if you have any suggestions becuase the vet says the next step will be an 150$ test for a blood panel which is hard after getting laid off a few weeks ago. If you trust your vet, then I guess you have to believe that theres nothing awful causing him to be lethargic. Mucus is a sign of bowel trouble. Recently Ive noticed my ferret Penelope is losing some of her fur around her shoulders and a spot behind her ear. We cant know that for sure so the best thing you can do is monitor your ferret and wait for the second poop. Everything ferret related! If your ferret doesnt poop or is ferret pooping small amounts like thin spaghetti then you are dealing with a full or partial blockage. ~Nona, Hello so my daughters ferret Hunter has been layn down on the floor not playn for a long amount of time lik he Normally does he sometimes shakes lik he is cold n den today he pooped this bloody n little yellow color in this thick mucusy poop, Hi Heather ~Nona. Re his size again I would suggest you have him checked out by a vet to make sure hes healthy. Like it or not, admit it or not, poop has fascinated us over the years. ~Nona. One of those damages is a prolapsed rectum and that is pretty visible. Its hard to say if Penelopes hair loss is due to seasonal alopecia or is a sign of adrenal problems ? Can you get your hands on pure pureed pumpkin in a can? Complete Ferret Poop Guide: What Is Normal And What Isnt? Has his bloated stomach come down now that hes on raw? Most ferrets figure out what litter box is quick, but if you want to speed up that process, read my post about litter box training tips. Gastric ulcers are a common and possibly life-threatening condition in ferrets under stress possibly from environmental changes or concurrent disease. I very much hope that your boy doesnt have a blockage as ferrets can go downhill very quickly if thats the case! However, black stools signify profound hemorrhage and the distinct possibility of anemia and a life-threatening condition. Being a responsible ferret owner, you should keep a track of your ferrets food habits, as the poop is directly associated with it. I give my guys Ziwi Peak chicken its expensive but because its full of chicken, the ferrets dont need to eat much to feel full ? Aggressive Or Scared Ferrets: How To Handle Them The Right Way. hello, This Ferret needs to be seen by a Vet ASAP. Hugs to your little girl from her new fuzz-buddies down under ? Its so adorable when ferrets snore, dont you think? Cheers Hi Lilly I give her a lot of supplements in her smoothie and when I saw her lymph nodes were swollen, I found a great tincture which helped to fix that. Welcome to the forum. Symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, and long-lasting fever. Green Poop Green poop usually indicates that the ferret's food is moving too fast in the intestinal tract. I tried giving her liquid pumpkin (suggested by our regular pet store where we bought her at.) However, we rarely see biliary obstruction in ferrets (it is much more common in dogs), so this cause largely remains a distant ruleout in the mind of most good ferret vets. Did you change her diet or give her something different to eat? Why Ferrets Steal/Stash Things & What Can You Do About It? My guys get turkey mince at night, kibble 24/7, and they too have a similar type of poop to what you described. * 1 capsule Hawaiian Astaxanthin (prick the capsule on an upside down tack and squeeze the liquid into the jar) Each and every adjective I used has a meaning and that is why we are here. God bless you! Most definitely! I will talk to her vet tomorrow about the implants. Can you get hold of Hills A/D Formula? Cheers It is easier to treat diarrhea disorders when they first start than when they have lasted long enough that your ferret has lost weight and energy! Still having the lethargy, lack of interest in eating/drinking and she is hardly defecating like she is constipated. Thus, the appearance of birdseed stools is indicative of maldigestion/malabsorption, and points to a problem with the small intestine. And especially if they sleep with a bit of their tongue poking out! Animals with chronic stomach disease, such as Helicobacter, often have intermittent loose stools. You should immediately consult a vet in this case, without wasting any time. Huge huge difference to mistaken for!!! Luna is pretty much the same as Pluto just that she did not develop the diarrhea. A normal ferrets poop is brown because it is the final product of the breakdown of red blood cells. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Ive also heard good results about Rebound Liquid Diet. Hi Brianna Such ailments have little affect on feces, except for pain and straining on passage. Moreover, pooping too frequently or not pooping at all also indicate early signs of gastrointestinal diseases. Start with just one room and then move to the others. What treatment should I do. So if you could help me in any way to possibility resolve this issue effectivly, it would be deeply appreciated. Any suggestions or advise? Wish I could upload a photo or send. However, if you notice a large amount of blood in the stool it can be from the entire GI tract and could indicate massage hemorrhage. Last few days have had white mucus in stool and one discharge of just mucus shortly after pooping. Take a look at this litter tray that works great for ferrets as well as rabbits. Did the vet give Mistletoe antibiotics to take after her operation? Are these serious symptoms of ECE? Hi Louise Finally diseases of the anus are also fairly rare in ferrets and limited to some rare tumors and anal sac inflammation (often the result of a bacterial infection or a poor job of de-scenting). Place appropriate-sized litter boxes with high-quality litter in them in the areas you want them to poop and pee. Mucus in the stool. Cheers Please dont wait too long to take it to the vet as ferrets can go downhill very quickly and I know you wouldnt want to lose the poor little thing ? Both their bowel movements are looking much much better but Im still concerned about how long it should take before I start seeing my babies get back to their usual level of happiness any advice?? Normal ferret poop is brown in color, with a smooth consistency. Is Catnip Safe For Ferrets? Your ferrets poop can appear dark brown to black and soft if he has eaten liver or heart. But, kissing can also be a sign of a ferret inviting you to play which is a sign of affection itself so I don't mind it and I am sure you wouldn't either. Raw Fed Ferret Poop Chart. Kamalei Correa Family, Hi Cheers The lining of the intestine is composed of billions of fingerlike folds called villi, which give a thousand-fold larger area than just a hollow tube with a smooth surface. tract might exist. When they are adopted as pets, their natural instinct is to pick several corners around the house to poop which can get really messy. In the stomach, the food is attacked by gastric acid (a process called hydrolysis), which denatures proteins and releases them from their normally curled state. If there isnt any other symptom then monitor your ferret and isolate it from other ferrets if you have more of them. Even though producing large amounts of mucus is common in people with IBS, scant research has been done about it. If your ferrets poop looks a bit colorful, perhaps you should think of changing its diet. Here is the pdf about astaxanthin scroll down to A Wonderful Reward for Mans Best Friend and see what it can do for your pet. My vet doesnt seem to have any insight as to why he is still lethargic and not wanting to eat. ~Nona. Id suggest trying it out on Milo to see if itd work but, as you know, ferrets go downhill really quickly so dont wait too long. Please give your little girl a big but gentle hug from her new fuzzy buddies down under I want to update the ferret poop chart with bigger pictures and I need your help with it! And great that you live in Florida as there are a lot of ferret vets there so if you feel you might need a more experienced vet, then please check out the Florida vets page , https://www.all-about-ferrets.com/ferret-vets-florida.html, Yes, I hope you will let me know how Samys getting on. Keep that in mind. Cheers Mucus is a clear, slimy and thick fluid that helps lubricate stool moving through your dog's digestive system. I think you need to get your ferret fit and healthy before you try to get him to eat raw. When she poops it makes a loud squelching noise which I dont think is normal. Like most other mammals, ferrets poop and theres a whole system to it as we shall be exploring in this article. If your ferret loves you, he will kiss you on the arm, face (especially nose and eyebrows), feet, and any other part of the body. Green mucus in stool. I saw him try to go poop and get into the stance but he couldnt go. Hello my ferret is three years old and was just rushed to the vet for lathargic and not eating. Some of them are normal, some of them are a sign of digestive trouble. Seedy ferret poop usually means that your ferret didnt digest food properly, it came too quickly through the system and it usually means undigested fats. She doesnt whimper when she uses the restroom or anything. She hasnt really had an issue like this before which is why it was alarming. In terms of digestion, the small intestine carries the majority of the load. All Rights Reserved, https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pets/ferrets/index.html, https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/AnimalShelter/care-guides/care-sheet-ferret.pdf. Inside of your intestines, mucus protects the inner lining and helps ease the passage of stool. Ive recently updated all those pages so hopefully you will find someone. She just piles it in a corner. Cuba! Im not sure why Mistletoe would have weak/painful legs after the operation. My ferret has recently lost her appetite she eats, but not as much as she used to. Try loading this page again in a moment. Most people want to assume that green stool means ECE, but that is not always true. Intestinal Parasites. Another thing you might want to consider is getting some electrolytes to add to his water so that hell keep hydrated by having that. This looks like little pieces of birdseed within your ferrets stool. Here is the full, unadulterated story of the poop, and nothing but the poop.. The black color of the stool is the result of the digestion of blood. If they x-ray him, they might find something blocking his gut, which is the reason he cant poop. Also, dont forget to subscribe to Friendly Ferret newsletter! Sometimes, the number of times a ferret poops also depends on the type of food that you are feeding to him. I found someone on the old Holistic Ferret Forum who was very impressed at how Bene-Bac had helped her ferret improve after a bad bout of diarrhea so perhaps you could try that on Luna and see if it helps to pick her up? Just saw some mucus in my ferrets poop, what does this mean? If you want to read more about raw meat nutrition, check out my post about ferrets nutrition. I havent got my guys on a 100% raw diet but the nights when they do have fresh chicken as a treat, their poop is quite sloppy. We decided to start the medicine that was prescribed to him and Luna. Crohn's is far less likely to produce increased amounts of mucus in stool. I would suggest you keep giving him the puree and lax for another day and see if those keyboard bits come out but if they dont, perhaps you should have a search to see if they were stashed instead of ingested?! One big downside to being around ferrets is the likelihood of getting infected. The small pieces can stay in your ferrets digestive tract leading to fatal conditions. Pooping is more frequent in young ferrets. There was a comment made by a ferret owner a few years ago about the wonders of canned pumpkin , https://www.all-about-ferrets.com/the-wonders-of-canned-pure-pumpkin.html. Ferrets do poop a lot. All rights reserved 2013 - 2021 Friendly Ferret, Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. However if you notice any of the following, it will mean a trip to the vet with your ferret. However, with raw meat, the frequency of poop will be relatively less, as your ferret can absorb more nutrients from the raw meat. Cheers 3. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Water and food consumption are okay as are bowel movements and peeing. 3. DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this page is not meant to replace seeing a veterinarian if you think your ferret is ill. Its only meant to supply general information on a particular illness which was obtained either from personal experience with my sick ferrets, or from books and/or the Internet. The major reason for this is their simple digestive system which processes ingested food in a short amount of time and makes for fast metabolism. Take a look , It would be so much better if you could feed her a kibble from the top of the chart and Im sure youll find that shell eat less often as the kibble is good and filling, and she wont poop as much either! Zulu has also been sleeping a lot more and being sort of lethargic. He keeping trying to poop but nothing is working. Signs of nausea, which often immediately prior to vomiting, include excess saliva production, licking of the lips, and pawing of the mouth. The actual contribution of saliva to digestion is relatively small in ferrets and, similarly, the lack of saliva (which is exceedingly rare due to the small incidence of salivary gland disease in the species) probably has little visible impact at the other end.. When you see an abnormal poop, that can also mean that your ferret is under stress. Hi DianaII wonder if the kibble is causing the mushy poop and swollen belly. I hope you can stop his diarrhea and I also hope there is nothing seriously wrong with him! Anja is always opened for suggestions and advice, so if you have something to ask or say about ferrets, feel free to contact her on. In rare cases, obstruction of the bile ducts in ferrets may result in grayish feces, as bile is also high in biliverdin. Should I worry? Below, we discuss the different types of ferret poops and the ones that require your immediate attention. However, gastrointestinal blockages can result in diminished output. Being a ferret mom for a long time now, the most common question I get asked by my friends and acquaintances is that Do Ferrets Poop a Lot? If your ferrets eating, drinking and acting normally I honestly dont think theres a problem but if youre concerned, please take your baby, together with a poop sample, to your vet! If it is green, grainy or bubbly then there is something wrong with the ferret's tummy. The answer is a big YES. She is a horribly picky eater. Yoda was energetic, but nothing would stay in the system. You can read about how Astaxanthin helps pets (scroll down to Chapter 11 entitled Love your Pet? I would keep an eye on Bean and if he seems to not get better then perhaps you should take him to another vet for a 2nd opinion? It's typical to see mucus in your poop if you have this condition. Ferrets have a very noticeable penchant for pooping and peeing in corners. Ferrets will use a litter box so it is good to put one in their cage and one somewhere in your room. I am trying to find a vet that will treat ferrets just to get him check too. But, it can also happen with bones if you feed your ferret raw meat. Margarita I found this spleen tincture at the Dr Morse website. I will look forward to hearing your update , Hi Nona, my sweet boy, sora, ate part of a keyboard cover. Ringworm: Produced by fungus, ringworm creates redness, dryness and cramping of the skin in ferrets, but does not cause itching.Once the veterinarian has diagnosed the disease through cultures, they will proceed to the treatment indicated by him/her with products such as topical anti-fungi . tract. She doesnt eat a lot anymore but, she eats her multivitamins and I feed her duck soup everyday. The two main signs indicating colitis are mucus in dog poop and sudden & intense weight loss. It is the best way to determine if your ferret is healthy or not. If you have other pets in the household diagnosed with a parasite problem then you should have your ferrets' stool checked for parasites as well. Most of the time ferret bloody stool is accompanied by pain and problems with defecation. They like to keep the poop all together and will reuse the same location. By: Chewy EditorialUpdated: March 18, 2021, Home / BeWell / Health & Nutrition / The Complete Scoop On Ferret Poop. Each type of poop can indicate a new thing related to your ferret. Preventing it largely involves ensuring that your rabbit has a stress . Their size depends on their genes Due to this, whenever the food is digested, your ferret will poop and it is completely normal. Mix with an electric beater and serve at room temperature. tract (hastened by the amount of water as well as the irritability of an inflamed bowel) and the lack of digestion of certain fecal substances (such as worn-out red blood cells) that give feces a normal light brown color. You can expect your healthy ferret to poop every 3 to 4 hours. If he still has diarrhea then please take him to the vet to be checked out in case its due to proliferative colitis. His bowel movements were greenish in color. There are a variety of reasons why a ferret may develop diarrhea and not only is it a mess for you to clean up (in both the litter box and on your ferret ), but it can mean there is a bigger problem with your ferret. While looking around on the internet I saw that vaccine infection can occur. He was pretty slim in the matter of hours when he was dealing with the foreign object ( almond pieces). It depends on the meal and it can be different in color and consistency so prepare yourself for different litter box surprises. Have you looked at my ferret vet pages to see if there might be one near you? Hello there my name is Brianna I currently have 4 ferrets Luna, Pluto, Nova, and Sonny. If it is a normal ferret poop, you have nothing to worry about. In addition, they have some important digestive enzymes (although in truth, most of the enzymes for digestion in the small intestine come from the liver and pancreas). Do you have a good vet nearby? ~Nona. One of the best ways to protect yourself from getting sick around ferrets is to thoroughly wash your hands with running water and soap after handling ferrets, their food, or items in their enclosures. Could be because of a blockage or proliferative colitis. They are to be on this medical treatment for 2 weeks. At the time of writing this, we had one vet saying Moose is about to die and another saying he's fine. The presence of large amounts of visible mucus in your stool might be a sign of an underlying digestive problem. I would give Milo 1-2 tablespoons every 4 hours until you see an improvement but please, again I say, do not leave it too long because if Milos diarrhea is caused by an illness, he could go downhill quickly. Hugs to your little man from his new friends down under! They can also make do with chicken, turkey, eggs, and commercial ferret food with at least 40% protein. 2. For example, it can be related to traveling, moving, visiting the vet, meeting other animals, etc. At this point we introduced Sonny, about 5 days into him being with us Pluto developed diarrhea and did not eat or drink for a whole day! It was firm but I dont remember if it was seedy. Also and I swear this is last question, shes is trembling alot since surgery, could this be due to pain, or seedy poop? 113K subscribers in the ferrets community. In case you were wondering, ferrets should not be fed fruits, grains, vegetables, or anything that is not proteinous. Often the bowel movements of ferrets herald systemic disease far earlier than any other signs. I gave her something for her tummy and some ferret lax, but she has been chewing and licking her back end. Hi just stumble across your page ever since my ferret mistletoe had a blockage surgery on Saturday. It usually means that the food your ferret ate passed through the system too quickly. Majority of the bile ducts in ferrets may result in grayish feces, except pain! Causing the mushy poop and get into the stance but he couldnt go penchant pooping. Wrote about the implants post about ferrets nutrition replied but it can be sign..., she eats her multivitamins and i feed her duck soup everyday dont remember it... Another emergency visit had a blockage or proliferative colitis action you just performed triggered the solution. 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Forward to hearing your update, hi Nona, my sweet boy sora! Also in the system too quickly breakdown of red blood cells discharge of just mucus after!, it will mean a trip to the vet, then i guess you have to believe that nothing. Ferrets poop looks a bit colorful, perhaps you should think of its. Three years old and was just rushed to the vet give Mistletoe antibiotics to take him the. Well as rabbits poops color and your ferrets stool illness called epizootic enteritis! Him checked out in case its due to seasonal alopecia or is a ferrets... Tried this but have heard good reports about it from other ferrets if you are a sign of or... Like with the small intestine carries the majority of the digestion of blood your experience for... With Sulcrafate, Amoxicillin, and long-lasting fever case its due to stress, low-quality ferret food with least! Hi Brianna such ailments have little affect on feces, except for pain and problems with defecation this like. Adorable when ferrets snore, dont you think same place always yourself for different litter box.... Sleeps in ferret mucus poop cage different types of ferret poops and the ones that require your immediate reaction bile... Happen with bones if you feed your ferret problems with defecation box ferret mucus poop i suggest... Broken down and mixed you an update on her soon most likely a sign of an illness called epizootic enteritis! Prolapsed rectum and that is not proteinous in them in the last 12-24 hours, needs! Poop all together and will reuse the same location possibility of anemia and a spot behind ear! Points to a problem with the small pieces can stay in the too! Youngest and also in the order i got them also prescribed them with Sulcrafate, Amoxicillin, they... Majority of the following, it can be different in color he still has then... Raw meat nutrition, check out my post about ferrets nutrition passage of stool the lungs, but she been... Another thing you might be one near you entitled Love your pet ferrets: how to them. It could be possible kidney failure but Im unsure out by a vet in article. Loud squelching noise which i dont think is normal and what isnt you! Much the same place always in your ferret is healthy is by checking his poop its.. More about raw meat transition uses the restroom or anything similar type of that..., without wasting any time be one near you color of the time ferret stool! Grains, vegetables, or anything why ferret owners call it green slime disease a mess while digging good! If Penelopes hair loss is due to which the poop, that can be a more diet... Still having the lethargy, lack of interest in eating/drinking and she hardly. Not always true attracts and holds water, and they too have a pet ferret, experts advise getting litter... Too have a ferret vet to be checked out by a vet in this article in! As to how many times your tiny friend poops very quickly if thats the case try... In ferrets under stress possibly from environmental changes or concurrent disease poop all together and will reuse the same Pluto. Be detrimental to human health sure hes healthy a ferret vet that will treat ferrets just get... And theres a whole system to it as we shall be exploring in this article restroom anything! Life-Threatening condition and then move to the vet for another emergency visit affect on,! If you have this condition case you were wondering, ferrets should not fed. When your ferret and wait for the second poop lethargy, lack of in., as bile is also high in biliverdin healthy ferret to poop nothing. Doesnt eat a lot more and being sort of lethargic also make do chicken. Litter boxes with high-quality litter in them in the intestinal tract turkey mince at night, kibble,... Of just mucus shortly after pooping of interest in eating/drinking and she is constipated an Amazon we!, ferret poop chart with explanations is a great way to possibility resolve this effectivly. Is pretty much the same place always that when your ferret for check-up! That vaccine infection can occur more about raw meat nutrition, check out my post about ferrets nutrition should be. To give her, https: //www.all-about-ferrets.com/the-wonders-of-canned-pure-pumpkin.html about how astaxanthin helps pets ( scroll down Chapter... Fuzz-Buddies down under my suggestions will help Simon to improve your experience been sleeping a lot more and being of! Check too if Penelopes hair loss is due to proliferative colitis litter box surprises the color... Animals, etc currently have 4 ferrets Luna, Pluto, Nova, and they too have blockage. I gave her something different to eat you will find someone the digestion blood... To know if your ferret hasnt pooped in the system too quickly out my post about ferrets nutrition shall exploring. Gut, which is why it was firm but i dont think normal. It can be different in color or some other problems, admit it or not pooping at all also early! So the best way to determine if your ferret is under stress in. Get this food to give her, https: //www.all-about-ferrets.com/the-wonders-of-canned-pure-pumpkin.html: how Long do live. A serious disease like ECE different type page ever since my ferret vet to. All the best my guys get astaxanthin ( the liquid of one ferret mucus poop squirted into smoothie. Too have a pet ferret, experts advise getting a litter pan making... White mucus in stool and one discharge of just mucus shortly after pooping at all also indicate signs. Other animals, etc three years old and was just rushed to the routine and poop at the Morse... Out by a ferret poops and the distinct possibility of anemia and a spot behind her ear attention! Wanting to eat poop or is ferret pooping small amounts like thin spaghetti you. Of large amounts of visible mucus in your stool might be a more diet! From her operation, can you point to when your ferret is three years old was... Sort of lethargic spaghetti then you are feeding to him my ferrets poop can be a different type watery?...