On the other hand, it is well known that radium is extremely effective in curing the small cancers of the face, which are, fortunately much less malignant than those in other parts of the body, and it is quite justifiable, contrary to Dr Deavers statement, to use radium on such tumors if their exact nature is known.. As the sole practitioner of local excision and radiation, he was criticized, and his results were unfairly compared to the best results of his colleagues. Shortly after starting the Standard Oil Company in 1870, John D. Rockefeller became the world's first billionaire. What theyve become, well, that is the purpose of this series; part 2 should be along soon [after Ive cleaned the Augean stables and performed 11 other various tasks]. The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer.Established in 1913, the society is organized into six geographical regions of both medical and lay volunteers operating in more than 250 Regional offices throughout the United States. According to the EPA, Long-term exposure to radium increases the risk of developing several diseases. In the beginning, a lot of visionaries and do-gooders really felt they could do something about this dreaded disease and that energy kept their efforts moving forward in the early years. unnecessary because most cells can be reverted into healthy, The washing machine action-event was the brainchild of two composition students at the San Francisco Conservatory, Ramon Sender and Pauline Oliveros. = USED A FRONT ORGANIZATION FOR NEW GLOBAL TAKEOVERS OF INDUSTRIES = ROCKEFELLER AND HIS JEWISH ALLIES FIRST VENTURE was called the pharmaceutical investment business 2023 - All Rights Reserved. You will find nearly everything in that paper, in our article Health Care for Dummies. At times when its use could have been most valuable, radium failed utterly in the treatment of cancer, Dr Deaver told 2,000 surgeons assembled in convention from all over the United States. Fundraising $95M. They are absolutely worthless. Two of Rockefellers attorneys (one by the name of Herbert Parsons) stayed in the administration throughout the 1920s. The Rockefellers were deeply involved in the medical monopoly, with John D Rockefeller Jr, providing much of the ASCC's [American Society for the Control of Cancer] initial funding. not a means to cure people from life-threatening illness. If you search the web for John Edwards Parsons (photo), youll learn he was a distinguished lawyer who began his career as the New York County Assistant District Attorney, was a founding member of the New York City Bar Association, and played a huge role in the prosecution of some of New Yorks most corrupt judges. Brought to you by I was told that if I could not find an article, that it did not exist. We can assume they were prior to 1913 because he also tells us that at that time radium sold at almost ten million dollars a pound. Covid 19 is indeed a globalist project from the start. |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold Please log in again. Charitable Commitment 80%. I thought Id written this article. Do you have to answer both the ACS and the census? ticket out of town, harassed, smacked with lawsuits, and even The income questions in the ACS cover the major income sources, while the CPS ASEC income questions are much more detailed and provide more comprehensive coverage of all potential income sources. Josephson points out: These authorities systematically deny everything that does not emanate from themselves and add to their incomes [they boost radium and surgery as the only cures for cancer]. Yes, some doctors of the time made money investing in radium, and theyd had inside information. Radium packs (also called, cannons or bombs) were placed a distance from the cancer. Located in midtown Manhattan, Rockefeller Center was conceived during a time of economic prosperity, the Roaring Twenties. They wish to reserve that lucrative privilege for themselves. Telecurie therapy was named after Madame Curie; the tele meaning from a distance. Rockefeller was a devout Baptist himself, so the two were destined to meet. Rockefeller built his refinery right beside it. Goldschmidt also tells us that by 1913 just 20 grams of radium had been produced in France and Austria, and World War I was just about to bring all European mining to a halt for a period of time. He goes on to point out that the funds theyve gathered have not been used for the relief of cancer victims or for the payment of institutions for their care.. If youd like to support them: Thank You! The ACS, in fact, receives more money The actress was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer in 2017 and broke the news to her millions of fans on Twitter: One in eight women get breast cancer. Research. An Unfortunate History The ACS was begun as a business model - not a means to 'cure' people from life-threatening illness. Sterling Even today, doctors tell us that when you go inside there is always the odd chance that something will go wrong. 1033. But in 1913, your odds of survival for a long surgery were less than 1 in 3. I should tell you that the article that I had intended to write (but didnt) would have been a very different article than what youre getting. Whether you or someone you love has cancer, knowing what to expect can help you cope. Cancer.org is provided courtesy of the Leo and Gloria Rosen family. John D. Rockefeller, in full John Davison Rockefeller, (born July 8, 1839, Richford, New York, U.S.died May 23, 1937, Ormond Beach, Florida), American industrialist and philanthropist, founder of the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust. On October 28 th, 1929, the day before the stock market crash, the architects were assigned by developer John R. Todd to the construction of Rockefeller Center. May 25, 2011, The American Cancer Society: Rockefeller Created Front Group to Promote Pharmaceuticals (May 25, 2011), [Editor's Note: The American Cancer Society was founded by the Rockefeller family to act as a propaganda outlet and public relations tool to suck in money and help promote pharmaceuticals for cancer "therapy" Gary Null did a fantastic expose on who and what the ACS is in a series of articles about 10 years ago and he often retold his expericnes on the radio in coming to realize what a fraudulent outfit the ACS actually is. One was that the hospital must hire Dr Ewing as its chief pathologist; the second was that the hospital must commit itself to treating nothing but cancer, and that it would routinely use radium in its cancer treatments. treatments that cost little or nothing have been suppressed by the An Unfortunate History The ACS was begun as a business model - not a means to 'cure' people from life-threatening illness. IT experts - since 1997. Some huckster could take a milligram of radium and make a million barrels of radium water. Radium water, by the way, was just one of the products accepted by the AMA Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry in 1914. Sadly, our government Supreme Court, minor courts, and Initial funding of The National Anticancer Association (its temporary name up until June of 1913), was close at hand considering the names of those involved. Deaver was a surgeon and thus every medical problem required surgery, not unlike that person whose only tool is a hammer and every problem looks like a nail. Historians point out that the offer came with a few conditions. At times he defended radium therapy while at other times he took a wait and see approach. It was called the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC). The DARK ACT is Back. This is a paid employment opportunity from outside the Rockefeller Center.Position Type:Employment - paidLocation: Washington DCSector:Government Rela American Cancer Society Federal Relations Summer Interns: Paid | Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit, . Foundation (ICRF) (which has 90% cure rates) receivesin a It all starts with John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937) who was an oil magnate, a robber baron, America's first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist. In fact, I found the following in Radium, Volumes 17 18, quoting from the New York World October 26, 1921: Dr Francis Carter Wood, eminent pathologist director of the Institute of Cancer Research at Columbia University, strongly disagrees with Dr John B Deaver as to the present and possible future value of radium in the treatment of cancer. The American Cancer Society was founded by John D. Rockefeller. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/05/24/american-cancer-society--more-interested-in-wealth-than-health.aspx, http://www.preventcancer.com/documents/ACS.pdf. In 1946, philanthropist Mary Lasker and her colleagues met this challenge, helping to raise more than $4 million for the Society $1 million of which was used to establish and fund the Societys groundbreaking research program. Woot! Below are some of the resources we provide. John Davison Rockefeller is born in Richford, upstate New York, to William Avery ("Bill") Rockefeller, a travelling peddler of novelties and "cures," and Eliza Davison Rockefeller, a . 1997-2021 Minnesota Wellness Publications, Inc. Hopefully this post will shed a bit of light on the history of our current medical system. 1913 Rockefeller USED HIS FAKE PHILANTHROPHY TO TAKEOVER the health care sector in AMERICA. Available Every Minute of Every Day. Dr Ewing was among the first to associate tobacco with cancers of the mouth, however, he also said that overeating caused cancer. Your Life is Their Toy, by Emanuel M Josephson, MD (found only at Archive.org). trustwas withtoday. On the darker side of radium, by 1922, according to Mullins [Murder By Injection] over a hundred radiologists had died from radiation poisoning. than $1.7 million). The retraction does not exist, except in the mind of Mullins and of his minions who have reposted his libel. On September 29, 1916, Rockefeller became the first person ever to reach a nominal personal fortune of US$1 billion (equivalent to US$17 billion in 2020). legacy of John D. Rockefeller who started the ACS in 1913. Again, though Mullins claims Douglas died of aplastic anemia, we happen to know better. are not kings, but criminals. Money drives. American Cancer Society (ACS) and Susan G. Komen for the Cure want you Help us end cancer as we know it, for everyone. methods of killing cancer have only a 3% overall cure rate? It was mining that drew him away from medicine, and working with a Dr Thomas Sterry Hunt, patented the Hunt and Douglas process for extracting copper from copper ore. With no formal training in chemistry, he was chosen to fill the Chair of Chemistry at his hometown college from 1871 to 1874. It is this very unsavory history that has brought us to the pharmaceutical paradigm we are mesmerized with today. It all starts with John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937) who was an oil magnate, a robber baron, America's first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. As part of a large col- launch on 25 December 2021, those trials are But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. but576% on the actual value of its propertyin 1945. Concentration Camps | FEMA | Aliens Are Coming! Rifes treatments renderedno adverse side effects and were 100% effective, but his is not the only story of successful cancer treatment that has been suppressed. .. He treated many patients with stage 1 breast cancer (there was no evidence of tumor cells in the lymph nodes). That's not something the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Susan G. Komen for the Cure want you to know, though. The twin-serpent caduceus, which forms the handle of the sword, emphasizes the medical and scientific nature of the Societys work. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. After co-opting the FTC and FDA as their enforcement arm, together theyve become the most powerful monopoly and lobby in the world, even to this day. The industry tried very hard to The trapezoidal shape with the angled edge suggests forward movement, aspiration, and growth. We Need Your Help to Stop It and Protect our Rights! Copyright 2011 Educate-Yourself.org All Rights Reserved. Though there had been a number of initial meetings, it was on May 22, 1913 that the core organization, the executive committee, had been formed and officers were elected. It does not store any personal data. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Letters| Sodom-LGBT Exp'd | 21 Illuminati Goals|Strawman Explained | Daily Blog | | Hydrogen Peroxide | Protocols of Zion | Eric Jon Phelps Exposed MONOPOLY FOR-PROFIT LOOTING OF AMERICANS! His philanthropy began by supporting one of his fathers causes, the Douglas Hospital in Montreal, originally called the Protestant Hospital for the Insane. The AMA had a field day with his 1987 book, entitledThe that has brought us to the pharmaceutical paradigm we are mesmerized Id found an interesting article on the web to show our newsletter readers and wanted to link to a related article; this one, in fact. tune of 200 million shots per year. The hospital was initially built on land donated by the Rockefellers. Fluoridating Water Supplies Keeps Us Dumb, Docile, and Sick Lets End It, EWG Report: Your Tap Water is Contaminated with Toxic Forever Chemicals, Is Non-Toxic Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? They also produced a monthly bulletin called "Campaign Notes." John Rockefeller Jr. provided the initial funds for the organization, which was named the American Society for the Control of Cancer. Douglas and Kelly had basically created of monopoly on radium in American and some questioned their motives. Comment Rockefeller a fond la mdecine moderne et tu les remdes naturels | Paroles de Dieu, la ralit du message biblique. Biotech Makes more Questionable Claims, Fail: Brazilian GMO Maize Resistant to Pests Just 3 Years After Market Approval, Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba Drift Damages Crops Across America. Rockefeller was born into a large family in Upstate New York that moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland.He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. She proposed creating a legion of volunteers whose sole purpose was to wage war on cancer. Progress continues and iscurrently estimated at 500 fewer cancer deaths each day. abundantly better ways of treating cancer. It's also a brilliant way to wash dirty money. It's for another blog post but here's a quote from John D. Rockefeller that sums up his vision of the New World Order for America. Mind-Body Connection | Ozone | Bioelectrification | Story on Drugs | Vaccine Dangers | Cancer | Newsletter | New World Order | NWO News | Pam Schuffert We launch innovative, high-impact research to find more - and better - treatments, uncover factors that may cause cancer, and improve the quality of life for people facing . John D. Rockefeller (July 8, 1839-May 23, 1937) was an astute businessman who became America's first billionaire in 1916. 3.75 grams was half the total radium output for Douglas organization, the National Radium Institute over a three year period. 3 How old is the American Cancer Society? In 1934, Mr. Royal Rife and his It was, however, four World War II-related programs, and the effects of drugs that evolved from them, that provided the impetus to establish in . Soon, a new rail line linked Cleveland with the oil region. But first I want you to meet Dr James S Ewing. In 1945, the ASCC was reorganized as the American Cancer Society. Fortunately, Kelly and Janeway were the sole beneficiaries of a radium mining company, the National Radium Institute, from 1913 to 1916. According to his death certificate, Douglas died from pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia is considered to be an autoimmune disorder in which the bodys immune system attacks the tissues that make intrinsic factor.