In the past he advocated a crusade against the untermenschen led by Semites and claimed the liberation of the white race. 282 subscribers People's Deputy, commander of the regiment Azov Andriy Biletsky on Ukraine's potential to restore its borders (in the context of the recent law on the special status of. Im not quoting directly, Im paraphrasing. Use SecureDrop, an anonymity tool for journalists and whistleblowers. So their mission extends well beyond Ukraine. you may know of another gentleman in parliament named Andriy Biletsky, commander of the Azov Battalion, a rival right-wing group . January 22, which has been marked in the country since 1999, marks the anniversary of the unification of eastern and western Ukraine in 1919. The network spreads information that the founder of the Azov Regiment Andriy Biletsky was detained by Kadyrovites. Highly visible, he became a member of the ultranationalist and neo-Nazi party Pravy Sektor (March) and was appointed head of the regions of Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk and Poltava (12 March). Sending us physical mail is also an option that can preserve your anonymity, especially if you use a public mailbox: As of 2014 he had been accused of neo-Nazi views by sociologist Volodymyr Ishchenko. Biletskyy also explained why Mariupol is so important for Russian terrorists. He had been the leader of the "Patriots of Ukraine", a neo-Nazi grouping that supported a Greater Ukraine and was violently anti-communist. Starting as a gang of fascist street thugs, the Azov Battalion is one of several far-right militias that have now been integrated as units of Ukraines National Guard. MAX BLUMENTHAL: Because of what you just explained, which is Israels history of working as a kind of proxy for the U.S. to arm forces that are committing human rights abuses, or that are fascistic. Earlier, this fake was refuted by independent fact-checkers from Myth Detector . Biletskyy noted that what is happening in Mariupol contravenesthe laws of military logic and the laws of physics. Urban legend says that he raised the Ukrainian flag at his school with his classmates to protest against the USSR in the eighties. Biletsky has said that those who are part of the Azov battalion are patriots, many of them are nationalists. But enough remains to understand (especially in Russian). BEN NORTON: So can you just respond to this shocking report from Asa Winstanley that Israel, which, again, claims to speak on behalf of international Jewry, is arming anti-Semitic, violent neo-Nazis in Ukraine? (Ukranian Government Portal). Andriy Yevhenovych Biletsky (1979-) was the founder of the Social-National Assembly and Patriot of Ukraine far-right and neo-Nazi groups who led the Azov Battalion during the Donbass War in 2014. He is the leader of political party National Corps in the Ukrainian parliament. The hectic months of late 2013 and early 2014 ended with Ukraine drawing closer to Russia and establishing a pro-European government in a move that Russia has always seen as a coup. (Azov/Twitter). Journalism that doesn't just dwell in despair, but empowers you to take action. The paramilitary unit became known as the Little black men as an opposition to the Russian special operations "Little green men". . It actually speaks to the ideological tendencies of the foreign minister of Ukraine, Im sorry, of Canada, who is a Canadian Ukranian, Chrystia Freeland, whose grandfather was a Nazi. Continue reading Israel's Bennett Verified and Stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis . Its Maksym Zhorin (former commander Azov Batt) who speaks and hugs Bohdan Krotevych (Chief of staff Azov regiment) with Andriy Biletsky ( first commander Azov militsia, now advisor to Azov SSO) in background at 0:34. But most Ukrainians today are nationalists, he said in remarks reported by the Financial Times, citing Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist figure accused of collaborating with the Nazis in World War II. Three million dollars for his silence. Asa Winstanley Another sort of spokesman, someone more higher up, someone higher up in the eyes of the Battalion, told the Guardian that actually only 10 to 20 percent of the Battalion consists of ideologically hardcore neo-Nazis. For his trouble Khanna was smeared in Washington as a K Street sellout who was holding Putins dirty laundry.. Yesterday an article appeared which revealed that Biletsky has made a deal with President Zelensky, the terms of which are a payment of three million dollars for the silence of the former MP and the neo-Nazis of the Azov Regiment, as well as a helicopter to evacuate the current head of the regiment, Denis Prokopenko. Signal ( is a free, open-source messaging application that encrypts all communications end-to-end. [40] According to a 2021 paper by political scientists Umland and Fedorenko, he had been known as white leader before 2014, but has subsequently claimed that "if someone called me white leader face-to-face, [that person] would have been beaten". . This is clearly an Israeli weapon, and it reflects what was seen in the Israeli Defense Ministry documents which were turned up by Israeli human rights lawyers and were obtained by Asa and the Electronic Intifada. [14] On 2 August 2014, Biletsky, holding a rank of Major of Militsiya,[citation needed] was awarded the Order For Courage (III degree)[18][non-primary source needed] and promoted to lieutenant colonel of police[5][6] on 15 August 2014. But Canada recently sent its military attache Colonel Brian Irwin to meet with Azov officers. Journalist Asa Winstanley wrote about this for the website The Electronic Intifada in an article titled Israel Is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Asa Winstanleys report reveals that the neo-Nazi militia the Azov Battalion, which is part of the Ukrainian National Guard, posted online propaganda, including video showing it using Israeli Tavor rifles. [14], During the Euromaidan events, members of the Biletsky's Patriot of Ukraine were among the founders of Right Sector on 28 November 2013. Memorize it. As always, Max, thanks for joining us. The best way to protect your privacy and anonymity as a source is to adhere to best practices. BEN NORTON: Well have to end our discussion there. [14] It would be transformed from a militia into a regular regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine on 20 November 2014. From the ultranationalist vendetta to the anarchy of Maidan. A A. Subsequently, Biletsky became an opponent of the Zelensky regime, organising demonstrations against the capitulards, including in front of his house, and that the Ukrainian president could not be a spokesman for the national interests of the Ukrainian people (It should be remembered that antisemitic ideology is an essential backbone of Pravy Sektor). Azov has been the shock troops, function as the shock troops of the Ukrainian military in eastern Ukraine in the fight against pro-Russian separatists around the Donbass. Max previously here at The Real News reported on how the United States has directly armed Nazis in Ukraine by arming the Azov battalion, and in fact, the Azov battalion has posted photos on its website showing it meeting with American military officials. This actually didnt shock me at all, especially given the fact that U.S. Congress has enacted a prohibition on selling arms to the Azov Battalion this year thanks to the efforts of representative Ro Khanna. He is also a member of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine The posts mention that in the 2-minute video, Biletsky . UntilMariupol is controlled, it is impossible to fully use thislogisticcorridor, and the Russians have been dreaming of a land corridor to the Crimea since 2014. As part of their, you know, sort of their, one of their ideological goals or political goals is to discredit what they see as a corrupt technocratic government thats foreign-run and initiate the Reconquista from Ukraine, and spread it outwards to the, and restore order in the other white nations. He added that they were taken out forreplenishmentand reformatting. The latest news on the topic Andriy Biletsky: Azov Battalion Commander Tells US Newspaper 'Majority of Ukrainians Today Are Nationalists',Ukraine's Azov Battalion Wants to Fight Russians in Syria Their founder & leader, Andriy Biletsky, has unapologetically stated that the mission of Ukraine is to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against Semite-led [Jewish . Would love your thoughts, please comment. It protested even more virulently during the evacuation by Ukrainian troops of a village in the Lugansk region (October), and then gradually disappeared from the political scene. Unlike many Ukrainians, he declined to join the Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization. Biletsky, along with senior schoolmates, raised the Ukrainian flag over his school. ago Now a member of parliament, he was integrated into the Commission for National Security and Defense, and was mostly absent from the Rada benches having participated in only 2% of the votes during his mandate! Andriy Biletsky, Leader of the National Corps party (left), threatened President Volodymyr Zelensky (right) with violence in 2019 should he order Ukrainian military forces to pull back from the Donbas. Louisiana to imprison juveniles at Angola Prison's death row, Why Chinese 'debt trap diplomacy' is a lie, Gov. Joining us to discuss this is Max Blumenthal. Also part of Colonel Irwins meeting was the head of Azovs officer training academy, an institution named after right-wing Ukrainian nationalist Yevhen Konovalets. Some have already been killed by the Russians, the rest will soon be taken in the coming surrender. On Popular Bio, He is one of the successful Politicians. So this is the group that Israel is now arming. Monthly Review Foundation134 W 29TH ST STE 706New York NY 10001-5304Tel: 212-691-2555, State of working America 2021: Measuring wages in the pandemic labor market, Energy reforms blocked in Mexico, sharpening ideological lines for 2024 elections, Listen: Fascism is a product of monopoly finance capitalism (The Coming of the American Behemoth on the New Books Network), MacArthurs myriad machinations to start World War III (Classic text, The Hidden History of the Korean War, reviewed for Liberated Texts), Send MR books to a library in Texas (Counterpunch lists Monthly Reviews editors on Best of 2022 list), Facing the Anthropocene reviewed in T-Paines Newsletter, Top 1% grab twice as much new wealth as everyone else combined, 90% of worlds people to face combined extreme heat and drought, Practical nuclear fusion is still just hype, Marxs Critique of Enlightenment Humanism: A Revolutionary Ecological Perspective. But first lets talk more about the Azov Battalion. Do not discuss leaking or whistleblowing, even with trusted contacts. Efraim Rios Montt, this right-wing dictator, genocidal dictator, who you mentioned actually said that our soldiers are, you know, reflect the Israeli spirit. Use your codename to sign back in to our source page, check for responses from our journalists, and upload additional materials. If you write it down, be sure to destroy the copy as soon as youve committed it to memory. As I said, the Azov Battalion, which began as a neo-Nazi militia, is now incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard and is fighting pro-Russian separatists. Criticism of the former Azov leader has effectively fallen silent for about 15 days. Like Denys Prokopenko, the commander of the Azov Regiment whose wife participated in last year's delegation to the United States, and Dmytro Kukharchuk, another leader of the National Corps who recorded a thank you video to Support Azov's partners in Detroit for donating several trucks, Oleg . The OUN took part in the notorious 1941 Lviv massacre, when the Nazis invaded Soviet territory. Why, then, does it continue to act as though the Cold War is still on?. And the second is the port, which significantly improved logistics. On 24 February 2014, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a decision on the freedom of political prisoners. #. Konovalets is one of the groups idols, whose portrait frequently adorns its military iconography. . The Real News Network Ukraine Front Lines is the Independent Citizen Media, which disseminates truthful news on the latest updates from Ukraine. Putin has launched a real genocide in this city. [39] In 2013 he wrote a brochure called The Word of the White Leader. Andriy Biletsky wrote on his Telegram page that members of the battalion, who were captured after . He issues statements and offers first-hand information, especially from the area of Mariupolwhere the regiment of has become the backbone of the defenses of the city, thanks to which it has managed to hold the city against the Russian siege of more than forty days. The Azov Commandermentionedthat elite units are currently stationed in Mariupol: the Russian Marines, the Pacific Fleet, and the Slavic Regiment of the so-called DNR. Never miss a story. [CDATA[ And I should also mention that, you know, we had reported earlier that the U.S. was arming the Azov Battalion. In a YouTube video, apparently shot by the Azov thugs themselves, police turn up towards the end of the camps destruction. The ADL argued that the focus should be on Russia, while the Wiesenthal Center pointed to the fact that other far-right leaders had met at the Israeli embassy in Ukraine as if that somehow absolved their anti-Semitic views. Its founder Andriy Biletsky (center) has moved to ban race mixing in the Ukranian parliament. The founder and first commander of the Azov Regiment, Andriy Biletskyy,gavethe number of Russian terroristsassaultingMariupol and explained why this Ukrainiancityis so important to them. His concern for politics led him in 2005 to promote the neo-Nazi group Patriot of Ukraine. [34][35] Biletsky denied ever making such remarks[36] and said that it was a fake quotation fabricated by Sergey Lavrov to defame him. But Racheli Chen, the head of the agency, confirmed to Mack she had carefully read your letter, which detailed the fascist nature of Azov and the reports of Israeli arms and training. . He is the leader of political party National Corps. Andriy Biletsky LinkedIn Andriy 6 LinkedIn . The latter, known as the "White Fhrer", is a theoretician of Nazism. Shortly after, in 2008, he founded the National Social Assembly, a grouping of the most extreme Ukrainian nationalist political parties. DO access SecureDrop on a network not associated with you, like the wifi at a library or cafe. Feb. 26Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement that the neo-Nazi problem inside . BEN NORTON: For The Real News, Im Ben Norton. Andriy Biletsky was a co-founder of Ukraine's extreme right-wing party, Social-National Assembly. Avakov last year met with the Israeli interior minister Aryeh Deri to discuss fruitful cooperation.. As journalist Max Blumenthal explained on The Real News in February, Biletsky has pledged to restore the honor of the white race and has advanced laws forbidding race mixing., At a military training camp for children last year, The Guardian noticed that several Azov instructors had Nazi and other racist tattoos, including a swastika, the SS skull symbol and one that read White Pride., One Azov soldier explained to The Guardian that he fights Russia because Putins a Jew., Speaking to The Telegraph, another praised Adolf Hitler, said homosexuality is a mental illness and that the scale of the Holocaust is a big question., An Azov drill sergeant once told USA Today with a laugh that no more than half his comrades are fellow Nazis.. SecureDrop is an anonymity tool for journalists and whistleblowers. Learn more about how we use cookies in our cookie policy. However, Russians believe that he has already fled abroad. And the Tavor rifle is one of the most distinctive weapons in the Israeli arsenal. [3] The same year Biletsky participated in the Ukraine without Kuchma (UBK) protests, for which he was placed under administrative arrest. No tool can absolutely guarantee your security or anonymity. So they are turning to their allies. Andriy Biletsky, its first commander and later a National Corps parliamentarian, declared in 2010 that Ukraine's mission was to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against. Biletsky, since then, has been washed clean by a discreet and virtual disappearance of the worst information on the Internet. On its YouTube channel, Azov posted a video review of locally produced copies of two Israeli Tavor rifles seen in this video: The rifles are produced under licence from Israel Weapon Industries, and as such would have been authorized by the Israeli government. However, his extremism worried the liberal fringe, but despite political pressure to oust him, he ran as an independent candidate in the Rada elections and was soon elected (26 October). The Ukrainian military said that during active attemptsofMariupolseizurethere were about 12,000-14,000 Russian militants involved. Scott Ritter: Don't believe the hype. What is happening now in Soledar, the hottest place on the Ukrainian front? His and his army of men made up about a thousand fighters before the start of the Russian invasion, some of them football hooligans and men with military experience. In 2014, the Israel lobby groups ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center refused to help a previous attempt to bar US aid to neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. In a separate interview with Blitzer, the so-called "Ukraine whistleblower" and Ukraine-born Alexander Vindman grumbled that the . The perimeter defense has shrunk, and they can control it with relatively smaller forces.Therefore,they are moving some of the fighters in the direction of the "breakthrough",they are planning from south to north,tospread all overourJF grouping. As a historian, Biletsky, in addition to the conspiracy theory that was very much a part of his rhetoric, was also committed to revisionism, rewriting the history of the Ukrainian people, whose roots, according to him, lay in the Scythian civilisation, which he linked to the Cossacks, in an attempt to erase the real origin of the Kiev Rus. Biletsky's father Yevheniy Mykhailovych Biletsky hailed from an old Cossack family that founded the village of Krasnopavlivka (Lozova Raion), while Biletsky's mother Olena Anatoliyivna Biletsky (ne Lukashevych) descended from a noble family from Zhytomyr region, to which belong the Decembrist Vasiliy Lukashevich (Vasyl Lukashevych) who founded the "Little-Russian Secret Society".[7]. Biletsky has become an increasingly relevant actor since the outbreak of the war. "Take my word for it," he said, "we have gathered here to begin the fight for power." Those promises were. Andriy Biletsky, the proudly fascist Azov Battalion leader who once . The latter, known as the "White Fhrer", is a theoretician of Nazism. We never accept cash from the corporations we're trying to fight and we never hide our content behind restrictive pay walls. The latter, known as the "White Fhrer", is a theoretician of Nazism. But they die and kill for Ukraine, "Nationalist Azov Battalion starts political party", "43 - ", "5 2017 ", " 60 - ", " 60 , - ", " ", ", ", CEC counts 100 percent of vote in Ukraine's parliamentary elections, "Ukraine's National Militia: 'We're not neo-Nazis, we just want to make our country better', "Anti-Semitism is no vote-winner even for Ukraine's far-right", " : ", "Inside Azov, the far-Right brigade killing Russian generals and playing a PR game in the Ukraine war", " ? And Asa Winstanley quotes him in his article, and notes that Biletsky has, quote, pledged to restore the honor of the white race. Late Imperialism and the Expropriation of the Earth. . Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." . Experience Senior Golang Developer Odysee Sep 2021 - Present 1 year 5 months. . German neo-Nazi lawmaker charged with hate speech is big Israel fan. The head of the Israeli arms export agency declined to deny the reports, or to even discuss cancellation of the weapons licenses, citing security concerns. Earlier there were paratroopers, partlyKadyrovites, Rosguard, 9thMarineRegiment of the so-called DNR. So I think this scenario is in play again. The reason that they have kind of some plausible deniability about directing weapons to neo-Nazis is that the Azov Battalion has been incorporated into Ukraines National Guard through the Interior Ministry, which is run by an ultra-right nationalist named Arsen Avakov. Prokopenko gave an interview published today, it is unlikely that he will be able to leave the Azovstal ruins alive except as a prisoner of Russia. And, you know, to give the U.S. some kind of distance. Andriy Biletsky, a founding commander of the Azov forces and a former MP under its splinter political wing, the National Corps, told the Financial Times by telephone from Kyiv that they were . Andriy Biletsky was born in Kharkiv on August 5, 1979. Please reload the page and try again. Nonetheless, the sergeant vowed that when the war ends, his comrades will march on the capital, Kiev, to oust a government they consider corrupt., After Azovs founder Andriy Biletsky entered parliament, he threatened to dissolve it. Well, one of the most scandalous reports now shows that another key U.S. ally, Israel, is in fact arming some of these neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine who have carried out attacks on ethnic or religious minority groups, including the Roma, and also Jews inside Ukraine. This is a developing city that lived better than Donetsk. But theres no disputing the truth of the headline to Asa Winstanleys article. Precisely his performance in 2014 in Mariupol to expel the Russians is at the origin of the current siege of this port city, to which Putin does not forgive his act of rebellion by rejecting the Russian troops at that time. They look on doing nothing, while the thugs cry, Glory to the nation! The TRNN newsroom can be reached via Signal at 1-443-216-9712. Ukraine can't win this war. Going much further than American eugenics, he proposed the total and literal cleansing of the race, stating that the Ukrainian national culture was derived from the people, not from their history, religion, heritage, or language. By then he was already a target of the Ukrainian authorities, who arrested him for participating in a commemorative march of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Once you are connected to a public network at a cafe or library, download and install the desktop version of Tor Browser. It incorporated many members of Biletsky's former ultranationalist, white supremacist organisations, Patriot of Ukraine and the Social-National Assembly (SNA). His idea was to take into account the biological character of each family. In 2010, the battalion's first commander and a former Ukrainian parliamentarian, Andriy Biletsky, said he believed Ukraine's national purpose should be to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]." Biography. The TRNN newsroom can be reached via Signal at 1-443-216-9712. We control the servers that store your submissions, so no third party has direct access to the metadata or content of what you send us. Oleg Petrenko (right) sat next to Andriy Biletsky at the 2016 launch of the National Corps. If you write it down, be sure to destroy the copy as soon as youve committed it to memory. A shocking new report in the Electronic Intifada reveals that Ukrainian neo-Nazis are using Israeli weapons to fight Russia. So Israel is basically just sending weapons to the Ukrainian military, which is now filled with hardcore neo-Nazi ideologues. Issue #9, VoxCheck training program on the identification of hostile narratives in Telegram. Do NOT access SecureDrop on your employers network. . Besides attacking Roma camps all over the country and menacing religious minorities, they have deployed a national corps to Kiev to supposedly restore order. It is the standard issue rifle for Israeli soldiers, and it was recently used in some of the atrocities committed on the border of Gaza. In 2002 Biletsky became a leader of the Kharkiv branch of the political organization Tryzub, and was a member of the Kharkiv section of the Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), but opposed the idea of its transformation into Svoboda. Andriy Yevhenovych Biletsky was born in 1979 in Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union. In parliament, he joined the inter-factional group UKROP. Once you are connected to a public network at a cafe or library, download and install the desktop version of Tor Browser. Wherecanrussian forces try to attack in 2023? Initially, Azov was a volunteer militia from the city of Berdyansk created with the aim of supporting the Ukrainian army in its fight against separatists. He is the leader of political party National Corps. ) sat next to andriy Biletsky wrote on his Telegram page that members of the so-called & quot.!, the Ukrainian military said that during active attemptsofMariupolseizurethere were about 12,000-14,000 Russian militants involved to sign back to. Stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis are using Israeli weapons to the Ukrainian flag at his school with his to... To protect your privacy and anonymity as a source is to adhere to best practices military Colonel. Nazis invaded Soviet territory Electronic Intifada in an article titled Israel is just. ( ) is a developing city that lived better than Donetsk the hottest place on the flag. And Defense Council of Ukraine on 20 November 2014 for his trouble Khanna smeared. 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