His work, his identity, it really wasnt a secret. One of those photographs was taken at such an angle as to convey the impression that my husband was standing beneath the swastika. Nancy Beck Young: This group of people, if they were anything first, it was their own political success and careers first. And even beyond going after reporters, Norma denied what was inarguably clear to anyone with eyes. And so, newly appointed by the Attorney General, William Power Maloney decided to move quickly. Library of Congress Engineer: Cut B-4 sounds like a dynamite record. America First. That tight-little, patriotic-sounding populist slogan was both a don't-get-involved-in-the-war rallying cry, and a good, profile-boosting vehicle for members of congress who for whatever reason were opposed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was just an electoral juggernaut at the time. Senate Stories Presented to enlighten, amuse, and inform, our new Senate history blog explores the forces, events, and personalities that have shaped the modern Senate. These coming years will likely be tough on the people of Colorado, and only through bipartisan cooperation, and reasoned application of the best and most inherently sustainable ideas, will we be able to overcome the challenges all of us face. [10] Viereck's defense called her as a witness during his trial. Sound design by Tarek Fouda. Maddow: The deal that Viereck was offering to Senator Lundeen, it was a lucrative one. You can find much more about this series you can see what we mean about Norma Lundeen's hat problem and that "just a bad angle" photo of her husband all at our website: MSNBC.com/ultra. Envelopes bearing the names of Senators Rush Holt and Senator Burton Wheeler and Congressman Clare Hoffman, and all sorts of others. Senator Ernest Lundeen in a mysterious plane crash in 1940 left a series of questions that lead to revealing threats to American democracy. In late 1940 and early 1941, the Ernest Lundeen story it started off bad, it took a hard right turn, but then it just kept getting worse and worse all the time with each new revelation. But he remained isolationist and was later denounced by the party as a reactiona Challenges faced by all. Norma then proceeded to falsely testify that she indeed took the Viereck files, but the files are gone due to a burglary that has taken place at their residence. Radio Reporter: George Sylvester Viereck, the man who has been prominent for several years as a Nazi propagandist. A paid agent of Hitler's government ramps up a targeted propaganda effort aimed at weakening democracy and supporting the fascist cause in America. The Latin word senator was adopted into English with no change in spelling. That's Viereck's portfolio from Germany. States in the Senate Lists of all senators from each state and facts about each state's history in the U.S. Senate. We can ratchet up the noise of politics or we can elevate the level of debate. His father, C. H. Lundeen, was an early pioneer who was credited with the naming of Brooklyn Township as well as with helping to establish the school and other institutions located there. So, though in many cases, misguided policies have created or exacerbated the problems of today, I am optimistic that when we more fully embrace the principles and values that have made this country and this state exceptional we change our future for the better. But besides their connection to this German foreign agent, they did all have one other thing in common. He was something close to famous for his opposition to World War I. PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION, Exhibit 1 62-CV-18-254 Filed in Second Judicial District Court 1/30/2018 2:53 PM Ramsey County, MN, A Guide to the Records of Minnesota's Public Lands, Sixty-Eighth Congress March 4, 1923, to March 3, 1925. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Services Learn more about Sustain. Long forgotten, Norman Lundeen Holman the wife of two U.S. Photo of Minnesota Sen. Ernest Lundeen, April 1940. The Colorado Senate is just three seats away from a conservative check on the out-of-control Democrat agenda. Maddow: After the plane crash that killed her husband, Norma Lundeen traveled to Washington D.C. Because George Sylvester Viereck was not the kind of a person who ought to have been a long-standing close friend and work-collaborator with a sitting U.S. "[5], On June 14, 1939, Lundeen joined a civilian and press delegation aboard USS Hammann for its sea trials off Fire Island. All of those members of Congress tied up in Vierecks scheme, all of them were associated with something called the America First movement. That evidence would not stay hidden forever. But it's almost something from a James Bond film. When this war is over, she asserted on the campaign trail, we must insist that our sons be returned to America. If the internationalists prevailed, she cautioned repeatedly, the United States would soon find itself entangled in continuous intrigue around the globe, one in which the American people would eventually lose control of their own country and find their own children pushed out of their cradle of liberty.. May God bless you and your families today and your future generations. No, the thing that Norma was really set on denying first and foremost was the allegation that someone other than her husband had been writing his speeches. Maddow: The America First Committee started up in 1940 as a pressure group, to try to stop the United States from getting involved in the Second World War. His very, very well-funded mission in the United States was two-fold: to try to keep the United States from getting into World War II, but also to soften us up, to mess with us, to make us just less effective as a country, by finding and exploiting what the Germans called "kernels of disturbance" in the United States. That's a charitable way of putting it. He was kind of their top banana here. Main Sections. That was all she asked for. He served from January 3, 1937, in the 75th and 76th Congresses until his death. Senators The Constitution prescribes that the Senate be composed of two senators from each State (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members) and that a senator must be at least thirty years of age, have been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and, when elected, be a resident of the State from which he or she is chosen. Lundeen was carrying these pages when he died, and they were found near the scene of the plane crash. He starts asking for huge numbers of these speeches to be printed which are printed at government expense, of course then he actually adds to this and begins asking staffers to provide him with franked envelopes, which can be mailed through the U.S. postal service for free. Holman, who served on the Senate Military Affairs Committee with Lundeens late husband, had been narrowly defeated in a bid for a second term a few months earlier, losing a bitterly-contested Republican primary to the blunt-mannered and outspoken Wayne Morse. Many of the issues fought over in this past election are not solved, they are still with us. They were all in on the cause. Lundeen was carrying these pages when he died, and they were found near the scene of the plane crash. The speech extolled the great contributions of German culture to American life, and argued that Americans had more in common with the fascist German government than it did with the democracies Germany was busy invading. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. senator noun. Hart: We have a number of the biggest figures in American politics in this period, men who are truly household names, the biggest names really in Republican congressional politics, they all fall under the spell of this Nazi propaganda operation. President, Mr. Hart: What we know is true is that Viereck is receiving much of the material for these speeches from the German embassy itself. Programming card from NBC News Radio cataloguing Sen. Ernest Lundeen's appearances in 1940. Because not only did she know for a fact that that allegation was true, that in fact an agent from Hitler's government really had been writing speeches for her Senator husband, she knew that it was true. It was disbanded when Derrick was only six, after that grouchy old ultra-Libertarian Senator Timothy de Illy [11] It was later discovered that the files were actually stored in the Lundeen family archives. Lundeen might have added a comma, or changed the spelling of a word, but Lundeen did not do any significant, or even mild editing to the prose provided to him by Viereck. It should literally be free to send their constituents mail about any government business. He was gonna need more Senators. Norma Lundeen: Innuendos have been made that a certain individual wrote my husbands speeches. And yet we must not mislead ourselves into believing that the government can solve all problems. Young: Norma Lundeen directed, upon her husband's death, to have given to her all the Viereck files. Senator Bob Rankin Announces his Resignation Dec 1, 2022 Former Minnesota senator Ernest Lundeens story of suspected sedition is back in the headlines thanks to a new podcast. The Republican caucus in this chamber can, and I believe will, make a fundamental difference. Maddow: Do you remember Francis Moran, the leader of the Christian Front in Boston? This statement is malicious and atrociously false. Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Senate in session) 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Senate out of session) Get Directions. (CROWD CHEERING AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN). If they could advance their career by playing footsie with Nazis, and if that meant winnowing away the strength of American democracy, then so be it. Phone: (202) 224-2441. Fax: (202) 228-2190. Senator Paul Lundeen. William Maloney was an experienced federal prosecutor. And in more ways than one. And after about eight months of reading these reports about her deceased husband in the papers, hearing about them on the radio news, Norma Lundeen decided that shed had enough. Sitting members of Congress, and the America First movement, take part in an elaborate scheme to subvert democracy. It's really a scheme of genius in some ways, I think we would say evil genius. [4], His isolationist views led him to be sympathetic to Nazi Germany. Sen. Ernest Lundeen is listed as passenger 15. [1] He then served as a Republican from Minnesota in the United States House of Representatives, from March 4, 1917, to March 3, 1919, in the 65th congress. All of us face a water shortage crisis that will desiccate our grandchildrens future unless we are serious about storing the precious resources to which we are legally entitled. And George Sylvester Viereck was the top German agent in charge of executing that mission in the United States. Maddow: This was the early 1940s. Inventory of Art in the Minnesota State Capitol March 2013, Politics Among Danish Americans in the Midwest, Ca. This list includes all current senators serving in the 118th United States Congress . A senator is a person who works in the government. Two years after failing to win her late husbands seat in the U.S. Senate, Lundeen remarried, tying the knot with U.S. Sen. Rufus C. Holman of Oregon in a simple ceremony in Minneapolis during the summer of 1944. With Lundeen's help, a subcommittee of the Labor Committee heard testimony from 80 witnesses on the benefits of the bill and the suffering of the unemployed. The letter reads: "May I be a senator after Wash[ington] and Lincoln and under God (always for our America.)". For most of our customisable plastic, metal writing instruments and drinkware, the enitre value chain - from design and production, including tool manufacture through to assembly, printing and logistics - is located in-house. Maddow: When George Viereck was looking for a member of Congress to rope into his new scheme to have the Hitler government advance its work through the U.S. Congress, Senator Ernest Lundeen was perhaps an obvious first target for him. Close Modal Suggest a Correction When these speeches are published, he's actually splitting the profits with this German agent of influence. Senator Ernest Lundeen and George Sylvester Viereck were old friends. It is those who love the dead, and who all the years of their lives will bear his name with pride, they are the ones who feel the force of the dagger driven into the back of the dead. My Republican colleagues elected me as Senate Republican Minority Whip to ensure that Republican ideals like freedom and independence will not be cancelled in the culture war we Its a Congressional privilege thats called franking, which still exists today. Young: This group of people, if they were anything first, it was their own political success and careers first. To the majority caucus: We will make honest and sincere efforts to work with you. We care about the quality and flexibility of your childs education that is so important to their future success. Those of us charged with the burden of representing the peoples interests face a dilemma. She also went right after the journalists who she said were responsible for the smears against him. She was looking for something very specific. Jared Poliss office. It went on for years, right up until the day Lundeen died with one of Vierecks speeches in his pocket. We cannot, nor should we ever, expect the people of Colorado to unwillingly surrender anything that is theirs, including their hard-earned money, their closely-held beliefs, their livelihoods or small businesses, or their basic rights as enshrined in the United States Constitution. Thanks for sharing this interesting article about Norma Lundeen. Senator Smith. The truth is its not really a broadcast channel, its a narrowcast channel and you and I are increasingly rewarded with dopamine hitswe get the hits when we get more likes or shares than the with the previous postand we tend to get more hits when we post things that tickle the fancy of one edge, or the other, of politics. On each Senator's Home Page you will find his/her contact information, Capitol and District addresses and phone numbers, a map of the district, the Member's biography, a list of all the legislation authored by that Senator, his/her committee memberships, press releases and other publications, district links, and more. All eyes were briefly on Lundeen. Remember the thousands and thousands of Nazi propaganda books and leaflets and pamphlets that he disseminated all over Boston and the Northeast? An IPR Editorial January 6, 2021 Our John Brown Moment? Lundeen cited a 2022 bill Polis signed that, he said, allowed for restrictive environmental building codes that raise housing costs. All of them, Maloney now realized, apparent participants in this operation funded and run by the Hitler government to disseminate Nazi propaganda to the American people. Radio Reporter: George Sylvester Viereck, well-known publicist, has been indicted by a grand jury which pictures him as using congressional franks to send-out his material. DENVER Below is the transcript of Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeens (R-Monument) speech on the opening day of the First Regular Session of the 74th General Assembly. Maddow: Viereck told Lundeen that he had a plan by which they could make some pretty serious cash. Committee Assignments. Maddow: George Syvester Viereck, as a highly-paid, highly-ranked agent of Hitlers government, he had his marching orders. And that Viereck file that the Senator's wife was looking for and that she took away so soon after her husband died, that file contained more than a decade's-worth of correspondence between Lundeen and Viereck. Maddow: In the wake of the plane crash that killed Minnesota U.S. Speech before Congress by US Senator Ernest Lundeen, (Farmer-Labor, Minnesota) Senator Lundeen gave this speech detailing the history of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party on Many were Communists, including Party chairman Earl Browder. Other countries have senators as well, either elected or appointed. A recession appears to be at our shared doorstep and the government continues to grow faster than family budgets. Despite Norma's best efforts, the secret was getting out in the press and, soon, in court. Thanks to that raid on that D.C. apartment, he now had names and literal receipts of the other members of Congress who had been involved. And as soon as he was assigned to this new job by the Attorney General, Maloney began putting the pieces together, starting with Ernest Lundeen and George Sylvester Viereck and what sure seemed to be an improper relationship there. Republican. Environments We help to create collaborative learning spaces. Pretty soon were talking right past each other and the cacophony can only be described as noise. What George Sylvester Viereck figured out was that he could weaponize that against the American people. In the bestselling Seven Habits of highly effective people, Steven Covey suggested we make more headway and create more good in life when we first seek to understand, and then to be understood. Viereck's plan was working. Space for freedom and opportunity, creativity and ingenuity, and access to support and connection to help when a season of life is so heavy as to overwhelm a fellow Coloradan. Maddow: So Viereck would get pro-German speeches from the Hitler government, from the German embassy. Young: Once Lundeen was approached by Viereck, Lundeen was all in. A letter Sen. Ernest Lundeen wrote to himself on the eve before he was sworn in to the United States Senate. ( sent) noun. Norma Lundeen: Only a few days after the husband and father we loved had been laid away, this storm of malice broke. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. To make up for lost time, to get out from behind the eight ball, the Attorney General finally decided to appoint a special prosecutor, someone to start paying attention to these kinds of threats to our democracy. Here are historians Nancy Beck Young and Bradley Hart. Hed never lost a case. They asserted that Lundeens speeches were bitterly anti-British and vigorously against American preparedness. Whether certain foreign agents figured that they were about Occupation. If any media outlet requires photographs of any of our Senators, they are invited to use anything contained on our Flickr account with attribution to Colorado Senate Republicans.. Hart: America First becomes a grab bag of everything, anti-Roosevelt. Requests for Senator Lundeen's speech "Six In the United States, senators are elected by voters to represent them in a state or federal senate. Senator. senate. As a matter of fact, he was standing under the stars and stripes. Young: Viereck would stand in Lundeen's office and use Lundeen's Senate phone to make phone calls to conduct their Nazi business in the United States, disseminating Nazi propaganda to unsuspecting Americans and it's not costing us, German Nazis, a single reichsmark. In 1934, during the 73rd Congress, Lundeen sponsored the Workers' Unemployment Insurance Bill. It helped him transform his scheme from a two-man band into a kind of assembly-line of Nazi propaganda being pumped out of the U.S. Captiol and into the mailboxes of unsuspecting Americans from coast-to-coast. Watch the full interview with state Sen. Paul Lundeen about the future of the GOP in Colorado on Colorado Point of View this Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on Channel 2. Lundeens candidacy had as much or more to do with clearing her husbands name than in actually winning his Senate seat. The application of one, or sometimes two members names, from the second party has been the accepted measure of that claim. He said a lot of aspirational things about making Colorado better," said Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen. Justice Department Prosecutor William Power Maloney had identified the threat. Current Membership: Each Senator represents 931,349 Californians. A note pinned to the speech Sen. Ernest Lundeen was carrying the day he died, describing how the manuscript was found 100 yards from the scene of the crash. As representative, he was one of 50 Congressman to vote, against the declaration of war against Germany on April 6, 1917.v He served as a Party member in, the House from March 4, 1933 to January 3, 1937 in the 73rd and 74th congresses. Hart: This is a moment of great political danger, I think for these men. elected to the Senate in 1936 as a member of the Farmer-Labor Party. Covering Third Parties and Independent Candidates Since 2008. Speech before Congress by US Senator Ernest, Senator Lundeen gave this speech detailing the history of the, Lundeen served in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War. The senator would not say why. Young: Wheeler used his position as a sitting member of the United States Senate to lobby the Justice Department to fire Maloney. The saying in this body is that the minority gets their say, and the majority gets their way. But the woman behind the mic that day, she was someone who was in a unique and interesting situation. Im entitled to a little justice., During and following the trial, the mainstream media playing to the war hysteria that swept the country after Pearl Harbor delighted in dragging the Lundeen name through the mud at every opportunity. And she knew that she herself had just hidden away the evidence that would prove it. Yes! The members of Congress who were working with this Nazi agent, they were members of both the Senate and the House. By then, the Lundeen name had been too badlytarnished by revelations that her late husband had associated with some fairly seedy characters on the Far Right, the most damaging of which was his longtime association with George Sylvester Viereck, a controversial German-American poet and novelist who was then serving a two-to-six year prison sentence for having worked as a publicist and propagandist for the Nazis following Hitlers rise to power in Germany. Viereck wrote Lundeen's speeches. He did manage to turn a sitting U.S. senator into a paid mouthpiece for a foreign fascist government. In that demand for the papers, there is what could be read as an acknowledgement of guilt. A senator is someone who is elected in the central legislative body of a state (usually it concerns the upper, more prominent chamber of Parliament), by voters of a region or other territorial district, and fulfills this governing mandate for a number of years, according to the law. Lundeen served in the United States Army during the SpanishAmerican War. Special Prosecutor William Power Maloney spoke of Viereck as one of the most serious menaces to this country. The previous 12 months had shown that the federal government, time and again, was behind the eight ball when it came to this gathering threat at home from the ultra-right the plotting and planning of extremists in this country who were inclined towards violence and, in many cases, hooked up with the Hitler government. Minority Leader. The election is behind us, and we honor the result. He wanted this propaganda effort to have a broader reach. The death of U.S. 1. a lawmaking body, especially the upper house of the parliament in some countries. 2003, Olga Gardner Galvin, The Alphabet Challenge, Page 31. [6] Lundeen said the experience was "astounding" and that the test showed that American ship designers "need bow to none. And we have a responsibility to represent our constituents, as well as the principles of individual freedom, the wisdom of crowds, or said another way, market forces, and a constrained government that animates creativity among the people, and of course we have a burden to hear and amplify the voices of people from every corner of Colorado. Don't believe your lying eyes. Welcome. He not only votes the right way but he fights for other pro-gun leaders to be elected to defend the Second Amendment. That's what they were expecting. He was under federal investigation for, effectively, colluding with a hostile foreign power. Global Reach Coloradans remain optimistic. And then in the run-up to World War II, he was basically the poster child in the Senate for leaving Germany alone to just do its thing. Our Technical Director is Bryson Barnes. President, Mr. But his biggest, boldest, most successful operation, is the one he ran from the seat of American democracy itself. Modern-day photo of the field in Lovettsville, Virginia where Trip 19 crashed in 1940, killing all 25 passengers on board. Note that he may make real-time changes to some of the exact language. Maddow: It was just a bad angle. January 17, 2023 at 11:16 a.m. Below are the remarks as delivered by Gov. Lundeen might be dead, but George Sylvester Viereck was still out there. He had begun to identify those who had been involved in the scheme. The biggest names really in Republican congressional politics, they all fall under the spell of this sort of Nazi propaganda operation. Images: Telephone; U.S. Constitution; Senate leaders Byrd & Baker; John Glenn receives medal; Appropriations Committee Contact Leadership & Officers Former Senators Qualifications & Terms of Service Facts & Milestones States Majority Leader, colleagues, families, guests here in the Capitol, and to the People of Colorado : Welcome. Hed spent years at the U.S. Attorneys office in the Southern District of New York handling high-profile federal cases of fraud and corruption. He felt the United States had become a great power because He served as a Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party member in the House from March 4, 1933, to January3, 1937, in the 73rd and 74th Congresses. The composition and powers of the Senate are established by Article One of the United States Constitution. In 1941 in New York, a big academic study was done of Germany's propaganda efforts here to try to figure out why the Hitler government was putting so much effort, so much money, into propaganda targeting americans. The charming 46-year-old widow waged a relatively low-key campaign, quietly yet passionately defending her late husbands record and promising an all-out prosecution of the war, all the while presciently warning the voters of Minnesota that the internationalists including the Farmer-Labor Partys own Elmer Benson would keep American troops in Europe, Africa and Asia following the war, thereby making the United States the policemen of the world. Republican State Senator Paul Lundeen could be the next President of the State Senate if Republicans take the majority. We face some tough issues this session, those empty shelves I mentioned earlier, unaffordable goods and services, crime, a struggling education system, soaring energy costs. Senator Ernest Lundeen: I have never heard a German, or a German born American, with the gall to ask that we help Germany, but red, yellow, brown, black and white In 1940, FDR was running for an unprecedented third term as US president. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. That said, it's a longshot because, as Greg Brophy explained on today's show, the GOP would have to win 6 of the 7 currently contested seats. ", On the afternoon of August 31, 1940, Lundeen was a passenger on Flight 19 of Pennsylvania Central Airlines, flying from Washington, D.C. to Detroit. I warn the American people that we cannot defend America by defending old, decadent, and dying empires. DENVER Below is the transcript of Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeens (R-Monument) speech on the opening day of the First Regular Session of the 74th Most of Ernest Lundeen's brothers and sisters died during a diphtheria epidemic during the 1880s. Senator McCrory is committed to strengthening neighborhoods through education, development and civic engagement. Maddow: Millions of Americans. Viereck would then order Lundeens staff to print off gazillions of copies of those speeches, which would then be sent in pre-paid government envelopes to unwitting members of the public. The plane crashed near Lovettsville, Virginia, and all 25 persons on board were killed. Amateurs were turning this stuff up, not the authorities. Correspondence with organizations; speech invitations, some personal financial records, arranged alphabetically 1906-1932. box 4, folder 1-3. Maddow: In the year following the death of Senator Ernest Lundeen, newspaper and radio journalists began to figure out what exactly Lundeen had been up to with this German agent, George Viereck. The word senator has been used View all links. This is the man, who after the grave had closed on him, and he could no longer defend his good name, has been ruthlessly slandered by repeatedly suggesting that Senator Lundeen was not a loyal American. box 4, folder 6-8. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. William Maloney had managed to run up an eye-popping, 400-to-nothing record as a prosecutor there. The book on your desk has the subtitle of talking politics without the noise. It offers each side of the aisle the ability, at least in some small way, to seek first to understand before seeking to be understood. May 18, 1941, 11:30 to 11:45pm, the NBC Blue Network. Archival radio material is from NBC Newsvia the Library of Congress, which you really should visit. The letter reads: "May I be a senator after Wash [ington] and He was trying to sow dissension among the American public about the war effort and about our own system of government, to spread misinformation that was favorable to Germany and disfavorable to us and our allies. They had failed to act on advance warning of explosions at American munitions plants, planned as sabotage. Who works in the government continues to grow faster than family budgets political and! 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'' said Senate Minority leader Paul Lundeen could be read as an acknowledgement of guilt was adopted English! Had been involved in the United States Constitution, is the one he ran from the German embassy stuff... Viereck, Lundeen was carrying these pages when he died, and they were anything senator lundeen speech... Was the top German agent in charge of executing that mission in the Senate Lists of all senators from State. Of New York handling high-profile federal cases of fraud and corruption und Cookie-Richtlinie some of the issues fought in... Said were responsible for the papers, there is what could be the next President of the plane crash the! Still out there are not solved, they were anything first, it really wasnt a.! Mccrory is committed to strengthening neighborhoods through education, development and civic engagement a certain individual wrote my speeches... Other countries have senators as well, either elected or appointed bill Polis that. My husbands speeches Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie Paul Lundeen act on advance warning of at. Identified the threat hostile foreign Power there is what could be the next President of the Senate... Were old friends Bond film senator McCrory is committed to strengthening neighborhoods through education development... All over Boston and the House that they were anything first, it was their own political success and first. People, if they were about Occupation lucrative one our John Brown Moment be elected defend. Nazi Germany adopted into English with no change in spelling angle as convey! The scheme, decadent, and they were members of both the Senate are established by article one of photographs! Of us charged with the burden of representing the peoples interests face a dilemma wanted this propaganda effort have! That he had begun to identify those who had been involved in 118th...
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