There are still Stormcloak camps, tucked away in the hills. Stand down and face public execution, or advance and face summary execution by my hands. Legate Rikke: "Sir? Legate Rikke: "Hadvar get away from there!". Prepare to move out. Draft another letter with the usual platitudes, but this time share some of your intelligence regarding Ulfric's plans. Tullius: "I hope we haven't just created a martyr." You could see that if you had any faith left in that black heart of yours. Go. And we still could be. Rikke is then at the Winterhold Imperial Camp, with the next target being the main Stormcloak stronghold in Winterhold, Fort Kastav, where several Legionnaires are being kept as Stormcloak prisoners of war, or POWs. Never forget that. Focus on our primary mission. The rest of my men are already assembling outside Korvanjund. Why do you fight for the Empire? ", Reporting for duty. Take my home. With the final battle to take out Ulfric and his Stormcloaks upon them, Rikke personally joins General Tullius as they lead the attack on Windhelm, before confronting Ulfric and Galmar in the Palace of the Kings, resulting in Galmar and Ulfric's deaths, and the end of the Civil War, placing Legate Hrollod in place of Yrsarald Thrice-Pierced, and Brunwulf Free-Winter as Jarl to replace Ulfric. I'll send some men with a wagon to collect the prize. Ready now! Ulfric Stormcloak is dead. In my opinion, they are ALL Talos worshippers. ", Rikke: "Talos be with you" We couldn't have done this without you. When you accept, she will remark, "Good. Some Imperial soldiers and officers defected and abandoned their rank. Confidence I can use. So tell me, what's the price for a woman's integrity these days?" They are the enemy now and will not hesitate to end your lives either. ", "Welcome to the Legion, auxiliary. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I was right about you.". Many of you will be staying in Windhelm to aid the Jarl in restoring order and stamping out any embers of rebellion that may still smolder here. ""May the gods keep you. But Ulfric and his "Stormcloaks" are deluding themselves. Some kind of stone claw? Her coffin can be found in the Solitude Catacombs, along with General Tullius'. We're backing Elisif. "Rikke: "Sir. Joining the Imperials != Submitting to the Dominion. After fighting the guards outside the entrance she will say, "The Stormcloaks are here in force. Who knows what secrets we'd uncover? Well?" See this table for details. We are all trapped in Alduin's web - for our allegiance he cares not, but devours us equally - doom unescapable. This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. After liberating all other holds and taking Fort Amol, the main fort defending Eastmarch, Legate Rikke will order you to meet them outside Windhelm for General Tullius' speech, with the city already being besieged by catapult fire from the Eastmarch Imperial Camp : "All right. ", Legate Rikke: "You two, stay and guard the entrance. 7. This one is the nonspecific one. Legate Rikke: Steady now. I may understand things here in Skyrim better than the General, but I'm a soldier at heart, not a politician. Submitting to the Aldmeri Dominion is a really revolting concept to pretty much anyone who's played this game. They'll no doubt strike wherever and whenever they can. Looks like we weren't the first ones here, either. We fought in many wars together. Tullius: "Song or not, I just want it done. Level When you get near her she will sadly admit: "The bitter war of the world beyond was all for naught. Legate Rikke is the Chief Lieutenant of the Imperial Legion under General Tullius. We couldn't have done this without you. If you ask them directly how to join the Legion, they will say, "There's no greater honor than to serve. She's a Nord in the Legion who is still (secretly) worshipping Talos despite the ban imposed by the WGC. If you don't mind, we'll just take that crown of yours and be on our way.". Who knows what secrets we'd uncover?" Spread out, and keep your eyes open." After taking the oath, Rikke will have a special assignment for you as the newest recruit of the legion: The Jagged Crown. After defeating all the soldiers stationed in the city streets, Ulfric will enter Castle Dour to confront General Tullius and Legate Rikke. Tullius: "Enough! Let's move out!" As I played through there were a few instances where Imperial officers, notably Hadvar during the questline and Rikke when you kill Ulfric, that say either "Talos preserve you" or "Talos be with you.". I like this scene because Tullius quite obviously heard what Rikke said but simply chose to ignore it. and Rikke denies that she said anything. The Imperials couldn't withstand another run in with the Thalmor, so they signed the White-Gold Concordant. . Listen up. "Ulfric: "Rikke. Rikke sheathes her steel sword, refusing to fight Galmar: Rikke: "Step aside Galmar. Legate Rikke can be found in Castle Dour in Solitude until Reunification of Skyrim, when she will serve at the various camps set up by the Imperials. Rikke will be at the Falkreath Imperial Camp if Falkreath was given to the Stormcloaks during the meeting at High Hrothgar, requesting that the Dragonborn join the Legionnaires for the assault on Fort Neugrad to reclaim it and the hold from Stormcloak control. Imperial Soldier: "Stormcloaks were already camped out around the entrance when we got here. Speak with General Tullius. "Tullius: "You Nords and your bloody sense of honor. "Rikke: "Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. Let Ulfric pillage his city." Shor as well - he welcomes all heroes to his kingly hall, if we could but reach it." and return to her strategies. See what you can figure out auxillary, I'm going to check out these carvings over here. Imperial Legion Alright everyone! When reaching the point of which an exchange of holds between the two factions is discussed, Ulfric will want control of The Reach. Legate Rikke, the right hand of General Tullius, is also a follower of Talos. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Ulfric's right-hand man, Galmar Stonefist, has located what he believes is the final resting place of the Jagged Crown. After the battle in the next room, she will whisper: "Be careful men. Ulfric: "I'll never surrender Skyrim into the hands of a corrupt and dying Empire." "Soldier #2: "Is this what killed that Stormcloak over there? To be destroyed from the inside." Just saying goodbye." "Ulfric: "Rikke. Either way, much blood will be spilt.". When Esbern suggests that capturing a dragon in Dragonsreach may be the only way to get to Alduin, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater will be understandably hesitant if the Civil War still rages. We're going to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it. Supposedly, his body was brought back to Skyrim and secretly buried with the crown. She must choose to safeguard her heart or safeguard her people. I'm impressed. sir. 3 comment. and add: "Careful! All hail his legionnaires!" I'm entrusting you with what resources I can spare. and "Maybe you can find a way through somewhere above us." But don't underestimate the Stormcloaks. Riften, Dawnstar, and Winterhold support him." Once that is done, The Pale will be placed under Imperial control, with Legate Constantius Tituleius replacing Frorknar in Dawnstar, and Skald the Elder removed from his position as Jarl. Now let's keep moving". But make no mistake. Once the fort is cleared of Stormcloak rebels, Hjaalmarch will return to Imperial control and Idgrod Ravencrone will be restored to her position as Jarl. She will then explain what can be expected at the fort: "The ancients built many of the fortresses that dot the landscape of Skyrim. You can't force a Nord to accept help he hasn't asked for." Meet the soldiers preparing for the attack. I am proud of all of you. Rikke then travels to the Imperial Camp in The Rift, with the intent to blackmail Jarl Laila Law-Giver's steward Anuriel to attain knowledge of a Stormcloak convoy full of weapons and gold that she then has the Dragonborn ambush alongside Hadvar and several other Legionnaires. ", "Good job! Everyone, with me! Evidenced by the men and women who fought and died bravely today. Imperial Soldier After the battle is over, Rikke will position herself in front of the Whiterun gate and listen to Balgruuf's gratitude speech. After killing the draugr and gaining the Crown: Legate Rikke: "Alright, get the crown off that draugr! The Nightgate and Candlehearth inns are frequent stops for Stormcloak runners. The order, or even the existence, of the seven possible quests can change depending on your choices during Season Unending. This is the Skyrim you want?! What are we waiting for?". ", "This is it men! For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "not sure if i want to join the imperials or the rebellion" - Page 48. But I belong to her." ""As long as the rebels are willing to die fighting the Empire, we must be willing to oblige them. ", What will it take to end the war? Once Ulfric Stormcloak returns Balgruuf's War Axe to Balgruuf the Greater a Stormcloak attack on Whiterun is inevitable and Balgruuf will have no choice but to accept assistance from the Imperial Legion. We'll charge in to help as soon as we hear fighting. I gave you an order. The man's going to try to take Whiterun." No matter, we have the element of surprise. And if Skyrim seceded, High Rock would be soon to follow, leaving the Empire, or really anybody else, with next to no chance at defeating the Thalmor for good. Whatever the truth, if Ulfric get's his hands on it, it would be a powerful symbol around which to rally support for his cause." And my personal beliefs are not yours to question." This is all wrong." Hurry up. If while you're out there, you stumble into any Stormcloak military camps, I expect you to destroy them.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, While all Imperial soldiers come equipped with an, Rikke's hair will change to a ponytail during the. Well, soldier? It just so happens, I've got some scouts along the road. He doesn't have the men. Meet up with them, and together see if you can't overpower the caravan. Let's see where this leads. It'll throw him off our trail, allowing us to maneuver more freely." Draft another letter with the usual platitudes, but this time share some of your intelligence regarding Ulfric's plans. Pass that, and we'll talk about you joining the Legion." And then Tullius says something to the effect of "What was that Legate?" Ulfric, too, once. And don't worry about any rioting, Legate. My spies report the Jarl's Steward, Anuriel, has arrangements with the Thieves Guild that would be rather embarrassing if made public. The WGC was signed out of necessity, not because the emperor wholly agrees with it 100%. ", "You survived Helgen? "Rikke: "It wasn't so bad. I've sent men to scout out the area. Skyrim: Legate Rikke in Sovngarde Addaisgrl 795 subscribers Subscribe 2.3K Share Save 155K views 10 years ago By request from a commenter, Rikke caught in Alduin's mist Show more Show more The. It's over. General Tullius told me what happened. If you state you are unsure about the mission she will respond: "Well, if you change your mind, you know what to do." Let me know if you find something.". The other two are as follows: Rikke was supposed to live a more relaxed life in Solitude, which included an evening stroll in the streets between 7pm and 11pm, and sleeping in a bed between midnight and 6am. It's time to deliver the final blow to the Stormcloak rebellion. It's the how and why of it that one needs consider." But more importantly, I am a daughter of Skyrim and wish to see her made whole again." Ella tambin susurra "Talos Be With You" a ulfric Stormcloak despus de que l es asesinado, solo para que el general Tullius reaccione con alarma . "Ulfric: "Let the Dragonborn be the one to do it. Spread out and see what we've got. Galmar: "Already done." Ulfric Stormcloak is dead!" When Alduin has been defeated, the mist will disappear from Sovngarde and Rikke will get up to thank you sincerely for lifting the curse of the World-Eater. We follow our hearts. Rikke: "This is what you wanted? But, if we found it first" Lastly, she will reveal what it will take to end the war: "I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. Faction "Rikke: "I'm also free to stay and fight for what I believe in. They don't know we're here yet, though. Taking Skyrim back from those who'd leave her to rot? She will then finish conversation with the words, "You have your orders. "Tullius: "I pray you're right, Legate. I'm not sure how they avoided inspections by Thalmor Justiciars. Gender Legate Rikke will then travel to Korvanjund where she will join up with Hadvar and a number of Imperial Soldiers. PC1 (1030) It's a rebellion." The Legion has faced down worse than a few dusty old bonewalkers. Meet up with them, and together see if you can't overpower the caravan." I'd rather take a moment and look around than walk blindly into an ambush. She personally knows the key players of the rebellion, Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist, as they were once friends and fought side by side in the Imperial Legion during The Great War. After delivering the false intelligence to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar, the quest will be completed. She will then walk towards the Hall of Valor to spend the rest of time in Shor's house. Make sure those forged documents get to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar. I didn't feel good defeating the Stormcloaks, because I knew their cause was just, but I also knew that the Empire needed Skyrim in order to defeat the Dominion. Galmar: "You were there with us. All hail the Emperor! Rikke: "Nothing. ", Legate Rikke: "Follow me. Either way, much blood will be spilt. Legate Rikke: "Call it whatever you like, General. There are many Stormcloak camps tucked away in the hills. We need the Empire. By: Radiant.Pleasures. Tullius: "Right. She will then lead the way into Korvanjund Temple and enter sneak mode, carefully making her way towards the patrolling Stormcloaks, whispering, "Everybody ready? Legate Rikke is the chief legate of the Imperial Legion under General Tullius. The Dragur on either side of the one wearing the Jagged Crown rise to defend it: Hadvar: "By the nine!" Because of that, I completely disagree with your assertion that no good character would ever choose the Empire over the Stormcloaks. Wish to see her made whole legate rikke talos be with you. directly how to join the Legion, auxiliary entrance we. `` Good rise to defend it: Hadvar: `` Call it whatever you like, General the... Women who fought and died bravely today that, I expect you to destroy them not, I 've some... Whiterun. ones here, either Winterhold support him. if while you right... Out these carvings over here will not hesitate to end your lives either Galmar Stonefist, located. Auxillary, I just want it done admit: `` by the nine! 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